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Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Blood - 5 Days & Counting

Today my message is nice and simple... Would you like a free copy of my upcoming ebook, New Blood? Of course you would! All you have to do is CLICK THIS LINK and leave a comment on the blog post. I will be drawing a name from the list of comments on the afternoon of October 31st, 2011. So - what have you go to lose? CLICK THIS LINK and leave me a comment. See you tomorrow!

Genre: 16+ Young Adult Urban Paranormal Thriller
A single kiss can get a girl killed. But what if he's the most irresistible man you've ever met? What would you do?

In a world where big corporations are controlled by a secret society, Beau is on track to have everything he ever wanted and more. And there is only one woman that stands in his way - As long as she can resist falling in love with the man of her dreams.

In this contemporary tale of power, greed, ambition, love and death, what would you be prepared to sacrifice to have it all?

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