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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Blood - 6 Days & Counting

The countdown continues! The exciting news today is that yesterday boxes of paperbacks arrived! Yep - I now have the paperbacks I need to attend my book launches next week. Book launches? Didn't I mention it? So let me tell you a little story.

As you know, the book is entitled New Blood (Melrose Part One). What you probably didn't know was that Melrose was the name given to Redmond, WA (where I live) when it was first named back in 1881. The name didn't last long and in 1883 Melrose became Redmond. The rest, as they say, is history. Anyway, my novel is set in and around Melrose (Redmond) and even features a couple of the local pubs in its pages - Disclaimer: all likenesses or similarities are merely coincidence ☺ - Next week's book launches are taking place in two local pubs: JJ Mahoneys (on 11/1/11 @ 7:30pm); and The Three Lions (on 11/3/11 @ 7pm). If you live in or near Redmond, WA take a trip over to see me and get a book personally signed by the author. There will be freebies and, of course, discounted books... I look forward to seeing you.

Boxes of books arrive...

Nicely packaged bundles of New Blood awaiting buyers!

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