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Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Blood - 3 Days & Counting

So - what have I done since yesterday? Upload the ebook version to Amazon and made sure I have all the bits in place. Now I just have to wait for Amazon to 'do its thing.'

Well, that was a really short blog post! No, seriously I think I'm really almost there. It's time for a well deserved glass of wine (as I actually write this it's Friday evening). So without further ado, I'm going to put this post to bed. I'll sign off with a link to the New Blood book trailer. Give it a whirl - I think you'll enjoy it. Then, for a chance to get a free copy of the book, CLICK THIS LINK and leave me a comment. Remember- the drawing is on Monday!!

Watch the New Blood trailer:

If you don't have a flash enabled browser, click HERE to watch trailer

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