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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's To Do? - September

WoW! It's September already and the year is pushing along at a great clip towards its finale. This means it is time to get organized and get some things done. So, what's on my list?

  1. New Blood (Melrose Part One): My upcoming YA 16+ Paranormal thriller has fully cooked and is now ready for final edits and preparation for release. The cover is also nearly complete. This means the book will be ready for ARCs in about two weeks and hopefully for release by the end of the month. I am really looking forward to this new book launch
  2. Xannu - The Prophecy: The first in my Xannu series, The Prophecy, is currently undergoing a re-edit to make it tighter and close up a few things I've noticed over the years. It's a long job but I'm already halfway through and should be done within the next two weeks. Then it'll be a reprint (with a new publisher) and relaunch to the public as a second edition
  3. Xannu - The Healing: The second in my Xannu series, The Healing, is awaiting the same treatment as my first. I'm thinking at this stage this will be an October job.
  4. Xannu - The Portal: The latest in my Xannu series, The Portal, is now fully baked and awaiting final edits and tidy up. It was my original intention to launch this book earlier in the year, but circumstances have moved things around a little. My current hope is to have this book market-ready by December
On top of all this, I have my never-ending day job (helping me put money in the bank), the youngest kids return to England, my oldest son comes out in October, my wife and I are off looking for a new place to live (in a new city - more on that another day), the Seattle Sounders are coming down to the wire at the end of a great season, and it's time to do a check on all my original 2011 goals I set back in January.

We all have things we need to do. I'm sure I am no busier than any one of you, my readers. It just seems that way sometimes. Have a great day!

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