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Monday, September 24, 2012

Paul Dorset Interviews

Just a quick post today!

I have been fortunate enough to have been interviewed twice in the past few days...

Check out two wonderful articles featuring me:

1. Jo Michaels - a wonderful Indie Author

2. Susan Wingate - another excellent Indie Author

Click the links!

My gratitude to these lovely people for their continued support.

And finally a quote from the interview:
Jo: How often do you write and how did you come to this decision?

Paul: My writing goes through cycles (novel writing as opposed to blogs and other projects). When I am writing a novel, I try and write about 1500 words a day for the duration of the book (60-90 days). Of course this writing time comes after a period of plotting and planning. I try to be strict with myself about writing as it’s important to actually finish the book. But that’s just me. I’m sure my methods wouldn’t work for everyone.
Click the links above and take a read. Support the Indie Author community!

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