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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Writing Experiment #1 - The Concept

I thought it would be a great idea to use my blog to detail the complete end-to-end process of writing a book (well actually a novella). I'm hoping this will be an eye-opening experience for many of you, and just plain fun for others. I'm going to give you a complete look at the process as I plot, sketch out the scenes, and then actually write the book.

The experiment is going to take place during the next few months and the rough timeline will be as follows:

  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1-20
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18
  • First Manuscript Edits - July 1-5
  • Reader Proofs - July 6-25
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 26-31
As I plot, write and edit I will be giving my readers the complete inside scoop so that you can all see exactly how it is happening. At the end of the process I will release the novella as a free ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc. The idea at this point is that the novella will form the introduction to a new fantasy series that I will start writing in 2013. You will get to read the words as I write them, errors and all, and see how the story changes and evolves over the course of the process.

I am excited to share this experiment with you all and I look forward to your feedback and comments. Stop by my blog to read more of the progress during the next few days.


  1. This sounds like an excellent series. What do you plan to do in June?

  2. In June I have my second Melrose book being released and I need to start work on the manuscript for book three in that series...

  3. Cool idea, Paul. I look forward to watching this unfold. Thanks for the opportunity to learn while riding shotgun through your process.
