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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Well, after the last couple of weeks where everything was a little topsy-turvey as I moved house and got myself sorted, it looks like everything is starting to come back together. The resting is over (well it wasn't actually a rest, but it was a time away from writing). Now it's time to get back down to business.

So what's on the agenda for April? How about the following:

  • Send out Xannu - The Portal to beta readers
  • Get new covers designed for the Xannu series
  • Perform first manuscript edit on Unicorns (Melrose Part Two)
  • Solicit beta readers for Unicorns
  • Solicit reviewers for my books
  • Create plot points for Ryann - my upcoming fantasy novella writing experiment
  • Blog about all of the above
  • Update my information on Goodreads and spend a little more community time there
  • Upgrade my home office setup (new HD Webcam, add 2nd monitor)
  • ...oh yeah, and do my day job too!
It's going to be another busy month.

I should also make sure I carve out some time to eat along the way; and pay the bills; and read some more books; and... You get the idea.

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