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Thursday, April 12, 2012

An April Update

A couple of days ago I wrote that I had a lot of tasks to complete for April. Well, thankfully a few of them are now underway or completed. On Sunday I sent out copies of my upcoming third Southern Lands book, Xannu - The Portal, to my beta readers. Then on Monday I awarded contracts to graphic designers to complete book covers for the remainder of my Southern Lands series.

I have also filled out several more plot points for my novella that I will be writing and blogging about very soon (more on that tomorrow). I actually feel like I'm getting back in the swing of things now.

Lastly, I have just installed a second monitor for my PC. Now I have double the screen real estate I had before. It's a wonderful setup that I'm really pleased with. The extra screen allows me to research things on the Internet while I write my manuscript. You can't beat that! I also installed a new HD Webcam. Hopefully I'll soon be creating some web videos!

All in all, as I alluded to a couple of days ago, it's going to be a very busy April. Now all I need to do is to edit my Unicorns manuscript (Melrose Part Two). So, without further ado, I'll get on and get that sorted.

If you're like several of my other blog readers and can't wait for the new Xannu book to be released, why not head on over to Amazon and read the first book in the series, Xannu - The Prophecy. At the moment the book is FREE to borrow if you're an Amazon Prime member and you have a Kindle. If not, then don't worry it'll only set you back $0.99. You can't say fairer than that.

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