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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

50,000 Page Hits and a Weekend in Yakima Valley

It's been a busy few days. My wife and I decided to take a few days vacation and go visit the wine country and so we headed off on Saturday to the Yakima Valley in WA. We arrived Saturday afternoon, just in time to find a few of the wineries beckoning us in for a visit. After a few tastings we made our way in the late afternoon, over to Sunnyside where we checked into our hotel. Our room had a view of a small vineyard and faced west and so we were also able to watch a glorious sunset on our first evening (see picture below).

We were up bright and early on Sunday and after some breakfast I wrote another chapter of my Melrose - First Blood novel before we set out again to see the wonderful diversity of wineries and their gardens. We spent a full day driving and returned to our hotel early in the evening, tired but happy.

After breakfast and writing another chapter on day three (July 4th), we sought out a few final wineries before heading back towards Seattle, stopping off at a few fruit stores to buy some local cherries and apricots. Of course on our arrival back home it only seemed fitting to try a selection of cheeses, washed down by a wonderful bottle of rose that we had purchased during the weekend. All in all, a wonderful mini-vacation.

It's back to normality today. Normal blog service will be resumed tomorrow. Have a great day!

PS. It was also wonderful to hit 50,000 page hits on my blog.Here's to the next 50K! Thank you all so much for your continued support.

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