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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Writing Update: 09/07/13

I've been on vacation! Actually, as I write this update, I'm still on vacation, traveling home. I'm really not ready to go back to my day job on Monday!

I set myself a goal before I left for vacation, to write 6 complete chapters of Xannu - The Mayhem. The good news is that I completed my challenge. I managed to write just over 20,000 words.

I also still managed to get a full vacation. Most days I wrote for two hours in the morning, before breakfast, and some days, I wrote in the morning for an hour, and wrote the remainder later.

Xannu - The Mayhem is now 60% complete with 24 chapters written. My target is to complete it by very early October.

So, that's it for today. There will be another update on everything next week. Meanwhile, it's back to the lanai and a glass of wine. Speak to you all soon!

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