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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Writing Update: 09/01/13

I'm on vacation! I am writing this update on Wednesday, ready to posted to my blog on Sunday, and I am at last on vacation - my first vacation all year!

Needless to say, the last few days (prior to vacation) saw little writing. I also had my youngest children staying and they returned to England on Thursday.

Still, vacation is all about doing some serious writing, and I'm looking forward to making good progress with Xannu - The Mayhem (maybe a further 20,000 words?). I'll let you know next Sunday.

On other fronts, the most important task this week has been performing my first edits for Ryann's Brother. I am pleased to say this book has now been sent out to beta readers for their input. I am SO excited about releasing this book in October.

In the meantime, it's time to prep UnDone for the publishers. Look out for a press release on that very soon.

Meanwhile, it's back to the pool and a margarita. See you when I get home!

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