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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stepping Back From Blogging

It's been a busy year. In fact, it's been a very busy year. I've nearly completed writing my fourth book, and I've still got another to write before the end of December. I've been pushing myself too hard.

Unfortunately, my life doesn't just revolve around writing - I also work a full-time 'day' job. When I couple that with the limited marketing I do, and all the blog posts, I'm feeling a little weary. For the past several months, I've been posting around 25-30 blog articles a month, including several series, and I've decided to step back a little from this effort. From October, you're only going to see around 15 to 20 articles a month. That's still one every couple of days, but hopefully it should free up a little more time for me.

I have a million ideas in my head at the moment, regarding things I want to do, and so little time to actually deliver on them. I need to carve out that space from somewhere, and this is where I'm going to find a little of it. So, please excuse me when I'm not offering any more Indie Author interviews. And never say never - who knows - next year I may start another series.

Later next month, I am releasing the first book in a major YA Fantasy series. It's a huge thing for me - the first new fantasy series since I started Xannu, back in 2003. My writing has matured. My plotting has matured. My process has matured. And I'm ready for the big time. So, who wants to come and claim me, and drag me into it? Hopefully, it's you, my readers!

I'm confident there will still be a lot of interesting articles published on my blog, it's not like I'm going away. I'm just decreasing my output by about 30%, and concentrating on bigger and better things. Thanks for your understanding.

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