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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Writing Update: 5/5/13

Busy! That's the only way to describe my life at the moment. I'm supposed to be writing another book. And I am. The problem is that my life also consists of a very busy full-time day job AND I'm preparing to move house. When you add all these things together it's like a tsunami has hit me. I feel completely underwater. Oh well, in a few more weeks the house move will be done and perhaps I can return to a little normality.

Anyway, about my writing! In the last week I've gotten back to Ryann. If you remember, last year I wrote a novella online as an experiment and then published it on Amazon, etc. I have been very pleased with the feedback on the book and I promised to write a sequel. This week I started writing Ryann's Brother, the first in a trilogy that follows the story of Ryann's life. Unlike the novella, Ryann's Brother is a full-length 80,000 word YA novel. It's already turning out to be a blast. The biggest challenge I have is keeping on track for the manuscript. My goal is to finish it in mid-June.

The other event that's happening in my writing career is that NotDone (my Sci-Fi novella) is now out with beta readers and is scheduled for launch on June 3rd. Exciting stuff!

More next week...

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