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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Writing Update: 5/19/13

20,000 words. Ryann's Brother is, at last, beginning to take shape! This means I am nearly 25% through, although in actuality I've only written 20% of my chapters. I guess this novel is going to run at about 85,000 words.

On other fronts, I've had all my beta reader comments back on NotDone and over the next few days I'll be editing that novel to its conclusion, ready for release on June 3rd.

I'm really pleased with the direction Ryann's Brother has taken. I can honestly say this is definitely the best book I've written to date.

So, over the next week or so things start to get a little hectic. We're just about ready to move house and so my usual routine has been turned upside down. Please bear with me as I try and get through the next couple of weeks and we all see light on the other side!

Have a great week.

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