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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Writing Update: 5/12/13

Crazy! That's the only way I can describe my week. There are simply too many things going on. I haven't managed to do as much writing as I had hoped, in fact I missed three whole days of writing due to working on our upcoming move and other work-related things. Still, my manuscript for Ryann's Brother is coming along and I'm now about 15,000 words into it.

Sometimes books lead you in a different direction than you first imagined. Ryann's Brother is one such book. It's not that the overall plot has changed that much, it's just all the other elements of the book. New characters have appeared from nowhere. New plotlines have emerged. It's a wonderful voyage of discovery. This book is certainly going to keep me busy for a few more weeks!

On other fronts, it's getting closer to the time when NotDone will be ready for release. Beta readers are due to give me their feedback later this week and then it will be time to make final edits, design the cover art, and generally prep the book ready for release at the beginning of June. Life is never dull in the Dorset household!

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