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Friday, January 4, 2013

40 Indie Author Interviews - A 2012 Recap

In 2012 I interviewed a total of 40 Indie Authors. For those of you that missed one or two, or are just interested in reading a little about a new Indie Author, take a look at the list.

And don't forget, if you are an Indie Author and would like to appear on my blog, then please read my post HERE and drop me a line.

1. Karen Einsel
2. Paul Rice
3. Phyllis Zimbler Miller
4. Stacia Carlton
5. Russell Mardell
6. Jo VonBargen
7. Donna Galanti
8. Elizabeth Marshall
9. James Tenedero
10. Wayne Zurl
11. Jorge Salgado-Reyes
12. Samuel Ben White
13. Patricia Lynne
14. J D Currie
15. Bo Savino / A J Rand
16. James Calbraith
17. Margaret A Millmore
18. C C Cole
19. G E M Thomas
20. Jo Michaels
21. Kerry Sparks
22. Paul Carroll
23. Halli Lilburn
24. M Peters
25. Chris Redding
26. Martin Lake
27. Theresa Braun
28. Ryan Hunter
29. Katrina Adrian Miller
30. Bettye Griffin
31. Stewart Spaull
32. Ani Chibukhchyan
33. Susan Jean Ricci
34. Hamilton C Burger
35. Darryl S Ellrott
36. Lord David Prosser
37. Thaddeus White
38. Dave Lacey
39. Jackie Kingon
40. Patricia Vaccarino

My thanks to you all!

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