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Monday, June 18, 2012

FREE Promotions For Indie Authors

Are you looking for some more exposure as an indie author? Yeah I know, a stupid question! Well the good news is that I am now offering FREE promotions to all my indie friends.

What have I got to offer? How about this:

  • Interviews of you, the indie author
  • Posting of the interview on my blog which receives an average of 1,000 hits per day 
  • Promoting your interview on twitter - and I have 59,000 followers - every day for a complete week after the blog posting
And very soon I will be offering book reviews as well. This is becoming a full-time job. Oh wait, it already is! 

Finally, watch out for my other new offering which will hit my blog in July. This will be something big - very big!

In the meantime, if you're interested in being interviewed on my blog - and receiving the associated publicity - then please send me an email to

Have a great day!


  1. Me!!! Jolly decent of you old chap. I'm at work at the mo, but I'll be in touch soonest. Cheers, great work!

  2. WOW, Paul, how cool is that? I will beg you in email to include me - thanks on behalf of all indies for your support!

  3. Hey Paul, Thats a generous offer. I'll be emailing you. And I sent out a tweet and sent this to Facebook. Cheers everyone, wz

  4. Sounds like a great idea. Thanks.

  5. I put this on facebook; sending the email right now.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I may be contacting you later.

  7. James Bartel hello and yes i could use some exposure of my book "Predator and the Prey".

  8. This sounds great, I will e-mail you with what i have going on.

  9. Paul,

    I'm consistently impressed and inspired by the quality of your posts. I'm stealing this idea for my own blog, but applying it to a smaller group of authors.

  10. Hi Paul. Sounds like a great idea. Perhaps there's something we could do collaboratively? I'll drop you an email.



  11. This is very cool but, man, you do realize you're going to be crushed under an avalanche of requests, right? And I'm going to be part of the avalanche. :-)

  12. Thanks, Paul. I've now heard from you and will get on and fill in the questionnaire asap.
    Geraldine Evans

  13. John, or is it Paul? Just found you on Twitter through a tweet and sent you an e-mail. Look forward to hearing from you.


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