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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ryann's Brother - Proofs Have Arrived

Exactly one week to go until the launch of Ryann's Brother. I am very excited!

I thought, for a change, I'd put in the photo of the paperback rather than the actual cover picture. That way, you know it's real! When it goes on sale next week, it's going to cost $9.99 for the paperback and $2.99 for the ebook. And, of course, it'll be available from all the usual channels.

Ryann's Brother is a full-length YA Fantasy novel that begins where my free novella, Ryann, leaves off.

Title: Ryann's Brother
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 84,000 words

Synopsis: Ryann gained her freedom from slavery by winning a wager with the son of her owning lord. Now she is setting out to find her long lost brother who is rumored to live in the country of her birth. But Bramwel Cala, the ruthless and barbaric son of her ex-lord and master, wants his revenge.

A deathly plague is also devastating the land, and there are many people who would as soon have Ryann killed as help her on her quest. In a land of lords and tax-collectors, potion-makers and sclavas, will the young and innocent Ryann survive to fulfill the destiny she was born to?

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  1. This is so cool!! If you haven't read Ryann, you HAVE to. I can't wait to add this book to my favorites. I just know that if it is as good as Ryann, it is worth every penny. Thank you, Paul, for a great book and for not making us wait for a couple years for the next one in what I hope will be a series.

    1. Many thanks. I hope the opinion is this book is ten times better than Ryann. My beta readers lead me to believe so :-)

      I am always grateful to every buyer who reads a book of mine!

      And as a by-the-way, Ryann's Brother releases Oct 22nd, Ryann's Bane is scheduled for March 2014, with the final book in the series scheduled for June 2014. Let me know how you enjoy the book.
