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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Writing Update: 10/27/2012

Crap! Another week has gone by. What did I do this week?

Oh yeah, my latest book launched! Ryann's Brother hit the bookshelves. It's a book I'm really proud of and I'm sure it'll be well-received. Read the Press Release HERE and pick up a copy of the book HERE.

Other things I've been doing include editing my next book, Xannu - The Mayhem. I've just completed the first edits, and the book wings its way to my beta readers tomorrow, starting the process toward its December release.

Finally, I've managed to put together 165 plot points (so far) for the next novel I'll be writing, Ryann's Bane. This book is the next in the series after Ryann's Brother. I start writing this book tomorrow. Wow, it's been busy as usual.

So, there you have it. Another week, another dollar. It's never dull in the Dorset household.

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