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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Preparing to Move House

Under normal circumstances, the life of an Indie Author can be challenging to say the least. But this month I think I've just about hit the jackpot!

I currently have book releases planned for the months of May, June, July, and August. These releases will feature two new books and two new edits of existing books. As you all know, there's a lot of work that goes into a book release. Needless to say, I'm up to my ears in it all.

On top of the normal book stuff I also work a full-time job. Call me crazy, but I have a number of goals I am trying to achieve as I wander through life, exploring the edges. The day job only leaves a few hours a day to get my writing stuff done. And that's just the way it is. I can't complain.

But, and here's the fun part, at the end of the month I'm moving house. I'm moving 70 miles away from my home in Redmond, WA to a little town named Anacortes, WA. This moves means that, more than ever, my time is being turned completely upside down. Trying to fit in writing, editing, marketing, my day job, packing, sorting out utilities, and everything else, is seriously cutting into my sleep time!

So, as the next couple of weeks passes by, I am sorry if I miss a few days blogging here and there, or I don't get back to someone who emailed me; I have a few things going on. Still in about 3 weeks time, I ought to be done and set up in my new house, in my new office, and back on track again. I just pray I don't go crazy between now and then.

Thanks for indulging me!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your move. Just take your time and everything will come together.
