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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Track and Looking for Pre-Readers

Well only another few days until I move house, and everything is already upside down. This time next week I'll be in the new place and hopefully back online and fully functioning. Until that time, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with reading some of my old blog posts!

Anyway, moving apart, I'm just about ready to send out my upcoming novel, Xannu - The Portal, to pre-readers. This time around I thought I'd offer up an opportunity to my blog followers to become one of the pre-readers. Is this something you've ever considered? If so, leave me a comment below this post and I'll get back to you.

Just what does a pre-reader do? Quite simply you will read my book and look for continuity, pace, grammar, and several other things that I ask. Everything is all explained in the documents I would send you. Over a maximum of a four week period you will need to read my book a total of at least two times, and preferably three. Each read has goals. The feedback I receive helps me to make the final set of edits before the book is ready for review and launch. It's a very important and necessary task.

Not read any of the Xannu books yet? In that case you might want to head over to my website and pick up copies of books one and two first.

In the meantime, oh well - there's still lots of work preparing for my move. Gotta run. I look forward to hearing from you.

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