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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Seattle Sunny Sunday in June

Here in Seattle it's going to be a sunny Sunday - the first this year! With temperatures rising to maybe the low 80's there's going to be a lot of flesh on display - pallid white flesh that has been kept covered for several months. Beware of the sunburned people tomorrow!

So, it's a day to get out and about and do something different. Yesterday I took a wonderful 2 hour Seattle locks cruise and today it's off to a friends to enjoy an afternoon BBQ. I'm taking along my extra hot Biryani dish too - that should spice up a few people ;-)

Writing begins again in earnest tomorrow morning. I've been too lazy recently and I need to get back on track. So -all of you should enjoy today, wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Embrace the world, breathe in the fresh air and be thankful to be alive. Life is good!

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