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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Xannu - The Prophecy : The reviews keep coming!

Yesterday, Eva's Sanctuary reviewed a copy of my first YA Fantasy book, Xannu - The Prophecy. This is what she wrote:

Terry West is a twelve year old English boy who travels between alternate worlds using rune coins he found when digging for bottles. In his alternate world he is an eighteen year old soldier named Teern Truthbringer, who's task is to find the Xannu who will lead the people to deliverance. 
In both worlds, Terry is faced with tasks and challenges that force him to look deep inside himself. Terry has to learn to shift between his two worlds and is forced to face different obstacles in both. He must face a journey of discovery in his alternate world and attempt to remain an integral part with his friends in this world. Will he be able to balance both lives, solve the problems in both and learn the lessons that both provide? 
This is the first book in a five book series titled 'The Southern Lands.' This book is extremely well written and is an amazing story to say the least. The storyline flows very nicely considering the fact you are back and forth between the two worlds. I had absolutely no trouble following any of the story. If you are a fan of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, you will surely fall in love with this book. 
The more fantasy tales I read, the more I have come to love them. This is no exception. You have other world creatures, sorcery, giant men nine feet tall, warlocks, you name it. This book kept me glued and I could not put it down. I will anxiously await the next installment to see what adventures we are in for next. Check this book out for yourself. You will not be disappointed. 
I wish to thank Paul Dorset for providing me with a copy to read and review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any way except for the privilege of reading and reviewing the book.

Go read the review yourself. Then head over to Amazon or Smashwords and pick up a copy. It's only $0.99!!!

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