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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Americans Buying E-Readers than Tablets

...So says CNN in THIS article.
"Last winter, tablets had a slight market lead. According to Pew, as of that time, 7% of U.S. adults owned a tablet computer (such as the iPad or Motorola Mobility's Xoom), while only 6% owned an e-reader device. 
"But that picture soon changed drastically. By May, 12% of U.S. adults owned an e-reader, while tablet ownership expanded only to 8%. (Note: the margin of error on this survey is 2%, but that would not challenge the market lead of e-readers.)"

So I guess that now is the time to buy your Kindle if you haven't already done so. My wife has one and she loves it. It's so easy to carry around and to read any book on. What's more, the slim little device can hold thousands of books on it. Try carrying all those paperbacks around with you when you go on vacation! And finally, they only cost $114!!

Of course, all my books are available on the Kindle. To see them all click HERE. Otherwise, take a look below and buy one of my most popular ebooks. Have a great day!

Click an image below...

Xannu - The Prophecy : Only $0.99

How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel : Only $2.99

The 10 Hour Project Manager : Only $5.99

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