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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blog Traffic Numbers Slow - Time To Fix Them

It's been a slower week on the blog this week. I haven't figured out exactly why. Maybe I've over saturated my links on Twitter. Maybe I've already hit my target market too much. Maybe I'm not writing enough interesting content. Either way I'm going to have to step up my game this week if I'm to get back to my previous level of hits per day. Not that it's bad per se. Heck, I would have been the happiest man there was a month ago to be getting 700 hits a day. It's just that I've had a couple of days when I hit 1,000 and I want some more, thank you very much!

The thing I've noticed that makes a difference to traffic is referrals (or re-tweets) on Twitter. Get a load of those and you get a lot more hits. Also keeping your content fresh is important too. You can only recycle your previous blog posts a certain number of time. I may be reaching that limit and it's time to shake things up a bit.

So people, I need a few ideas of topics to write about. I've done a writing series already and that has proved most popular. That is what got me the most number of new readers. Now I need to get another new batch. I need another series of articles to write about. If you have any ideas, please send them to me. In the meantime, I'll keep trying to find new ways of keeping people on my blog.

On other fronts, it's the weekend and summer is approaching. Today would be a great day to try one of my Fantasy novels - Xannu - The Prophecy. It's only $0.99 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. The reviews for it have been wonderful, so why not head over and try it out? What have you got to lose? Furthermore, on Smashwords you can download and read 20% of the book for free. That's a whopping 25,000 words - a mini-novel in itself!

I'll be back later.

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