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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Busy Sundays...

Usually my Sundays are quiet and lazy. Not today. After a relatively late start to the day, I brought up my action list of all the things I had written yesterday that I needed to attend to. Basically it all revolved around synchronizing all my websites. A lot has happened in the past week and so I decided it was important to do my  website editing before it gets out of hand.

So, armed with my trusty html and css guides I set to and after about 5 hours I think I'm just about done for now. The three main sites I have;, and this blog are now cross-linked and up to date with all my book information. I also cross-checked them all in all the different browsers too, just to make sure they display correctly on each one. I had to make a major rewrite of part of what I was doing as my firefox browser is set to block ads. And lo and behold, I have been using ads! I ended up making my own display blocks to showcase my books. If you are someone who doesn't block ads then you can probably see the display ad to the left of this post. I am listening to Barry McGuire as I write this. Different music for a change!

Another big win was that I just finished my first draft manuscript for my book on project management. It's my first attempt at a reference book, and it has been an exciting process. I'll be writing more about that in the next few days. I'm also going to start posting a short video blog once a week. I tried that out this morning. I just need to make myself more presentable if I'm going to be showing my ugly mug on camera! Then finally, I am trying to get some book covers designed for another series of books that I hope to start publishing and talking about very soon. Like I said, life is not slow today!

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