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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

$0.99 - What are you waiting for?

My first novel has finally arrived in the Amazon Kindle store! Although originally written a few years ago, after re-reading it this week I declare it's still as fresh as the day it was penned! So now you have no excuses. Who can say 'no' to an outlay of $0.99 for a great page-turning read?

As I mentioned before, I am going to shamelessly promote this for a while. After all, if I don't, who else will? I am confident that if you enjoy a good tale, then you will enjoy Xannu - The Prophecy. The first book jumps right into the action and during its nearly 400 page length, allows the reader barely a pause to take breath. Just like the lives of the characters involved too! Although it is targeted at a young adult audience, the book will not disappoint adults.

I spent the day today creating a sort of video book promo which I am also linking within this post. I don't have a large budget and so wanted to do something that was fairly straightforward but piqued the interest of potential readers. But - If you're a budding video producer and want to produce something wonderful for me for free then please contact me and we can create something new!

To buy the book from the Kindle store, you can click the image above (the book is not yet linked to other formats of the book - paperback & hardback; I am told that will happen over the next day or so).  If you have a B&N Nook, you can buy the book here.

Please be kind and write me a review too, once you've read the book (an author has to survive somehow). I will appreciate it. Then, if you like the book, please tell your friends and also purchase the second book in the series, Xannu - The Healing, which is coming to the Kindle store very soon. Until tomorrow, thank you and here's the video:

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