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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Writing Update 4/7/13

A cause to celebrate! Two manuscripts in the bag:
1/ NotDone - 42,240 words
2/ UnDone - 42,716 words

I started writing these books on February 15th, and I finished on April 5th - a total of exactly 50 days. I couldn't be more pleased. 85,000 words in 50 days is approximately 1,700 words a day. It felt good to be back in the saddle.

So, what are these books about? Well, these two books are the first two in a four-part political sci-fi series:

I haven't written the marketing blurb yet (that's on my task list for tomorrow), or finalized the book covers, but now it's time to let the manuscripts rest for a while before I come back to make the first set of edits next month.

Next week it'll be onto my next project - one that I'm very excited about. So, watch my blog over the next couple of days to see what new project I'm working on. Have a great week.

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