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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Writing Update: 2/24/13

Yay! I've managed to spend a whole week writing. At approximately 1,400 words a day it all starts to add up. This blog post is being published on a Sunday, but I'm writing it on a Thursday (I schedule most of my blog posts in advance - it's the only way!), and last evening I finished Chapter 6 of my novella, NotDone. Hopefully by the time you read this I'll have finished Chapter 9. That will be approximately 13,000 words in the bag, or about a third of the book. I like it when I get into a book and the words start to flow a little faster. I always find the first few days the most difficult. Usually a few chapters into the book it starts to take a life of its own and new ideas come to mind and the story takes on a few new directions I hadn't thought would materialize. Still, that's why we write!

As you probably already know, I plan and write all my novels using Scrivener (which I have written about many times before). Above you can see a miniaturized screenshot of some of my plot points and also a character relationship table (which is important in this complex political sci-fi book).

Anyway, enough for today. I'll be writing another update next weekend. Until then, it's onward and upward with NotDone.

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  1. If you are interested in interacting with other Scrivener users, there is a public community for Scrivener Users on Google+. We have over 140 members. Since this is a public community you can read the community page before you decide whether or not you want to participate or not.
