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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Writing Update - 02/17/13

Well, the road to recovery has begun! It's been over six months since I've strung a couple of days together and written, but the good news is that I'm now back on track.

Chapters one and two have been committed to paper and today I press on with chapter three. I've got a total of 56 chapters to write (two 28 chapter novellas) over the next couple of months and I'm actually looking forward to it. The chapters generally get easier as the book progresses and it finds its pace and character. No doubt I'll have to re-visit chapter one at some point and make a few tweaks to it!

What am I writing? Like I've written about previously, this time around it's a sci-fi novel - something I've wanted to do for a very long time. What's it about? Well, that's something I'm not going to give too much away about for now. Just know that it's sort of post-apocalyptic with a large sprinkling of politics and double-dealing involved. I hope it's going to be a winner. Over the next few updates I'll post some raw manuscript samples, but in the meantime head out to the website and be prepared... The time is coming!

More updates next weekend!

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