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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Book Series Under Development

As I wrote about a few days ago, the last month or so has been a difficult one for me and my writing. I have released three books this year and worn myself out a little. It is time to start a different project. Sometimes it takes a change in scenery to get re-energized again.

With this in mind I am currently developing the plot for a series of four novella-length science-fiction stories. Each will be approximately 40,000 words and they will form a complete story arc once they are finished. I aim to start writing them in a couple of weeks time, with an initial publication of the first one in April of 2013. Of course, I will be blogging my progress as I write.

It's been a long time since I've sat down to start a completely new full-scale project and I had forgotten to a certain extent all the planning that goes into it. But, it's coming along now and I already have my world drawn up and the bare-bones details mapped out. Now for some in depth characterization and some detailed plot points. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks. In the meantime, take a closer look at my map and look forward to further updates every week or so going forward.

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