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Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to an Overcrowded Mind

Yes, today is the one year anniversary of my blog! First of all a few statistics:
  • This is the 319th post
  • The blog has attracted over 250,000 page hits
  • The blog has over 340 comments
  • The blog has over 200 registered followers
  • I have written over 150,000 words of blog material
  • The blog has followed the launches of eight ebooks by Paul Dorset
All in all, that's not too shabby for a first year!

And I couldn't have done any of it without you, my readers. So a big THANK YOU to you all!!

As a gesture of my thanks, I would like you all to have the opportunity to read some of my writing for FREE. My ebook, A Paul Dorset Sampler, is FREE for you today on Amazon and Smashwords. So click the links and pick up a copy. In it you will find samples from three of my novels: Fergus Fedderfeeny's Food Factory; Xannu - The Prophecy; and New Blood. Enjoy!

Here's to the next year...


  1. You know, I think one of my blogs has an anniversary coming up pretty soon...
