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Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Am I Doing Today? (#1) - Re-Editing Xannu - The Prophecy

Today I am editing Xannu - The Prophecy. It's been nearly ten years since I first wrote the book and it's time for a little overhaul. Fundamentally the book is great; I just want to tighten it up a little and improve on some of the dialog.

Re-editing a book is a long process - especially in small chunks of time. So far I'm only 25% in. There's probably another couple of weeks' worth of work to go. Then it's onto book two - Xannu - The Healing.

Once the re-editing is done it will be time to publish the second edition. I'm looking forward to that. So, those of you that have bought the paperback of the first edition now have something valuable to hold onto!

More next week.

Book 1: Xannu - The Prophecy

“Listen to the teachings of a wise man. You may not understand all he says but you will surely have nourishment for the future. Be positive and plan for success. Failure to plan is to plan for failure. Worry not at what came before but only prepare yourselves for that which is ahead.”
(Pika’Al 10:1-5, The Scriptures of Al’Zaneed)
Living out a mundane school life is not the norm for 12 year old Terry West. After digging up some rune coins near an old roman road two years ago, he has been living another life. This parallel existence in another world, is very different from his home. There he is Teern Truthbringer, an 18 year old soldier, who is tasked with finding the Xannu - 'he who will lead the people into deliverance.'

Journeying far and wide to fulfill his destiny, Teern will meet many others. Some who will help him and some who will want him dead. Visiting strange lands, battling un-earthly creatures and witnessing powerful magic are all in a day’s work.

But remaining an integral part of his circle of friends back home leads to many dilemmas. How will he balance the two lives he leads, solve two sets of problems, and understand the lessons he receives from both? Only time will tell. But time is something Terry doesn't have too much of, as everything is unfolding in ways he could never have imagined!

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