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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Writing Update: 10/11/2013

Somehow, I managed to forget to write an update last week. I don't know how; it just happened.

Anyway, here we are, almost in the middle of November and I'm still as busy as ever.

I'm 17,000 words into Ryann's Bane, the second in the Ryann trilogy, and I'm trying to complete the manuscript by Christmas.

I'm also into edits of my upcoming book, Interviews With 100 Indie Authors. This is proving particularly challenging. There's still a lot of work to do before I get it out for proof-reading at the beginning of December.

Oh, and my final Xannu novel, Xannu - The Mayhem, is with my beta readers. This one is scheduled for a fast turnaround so it can be launched in time for Christmas.

Writing, and its associated activities, now takes up around three to five hours a day. It's become a second full-time job. Oh well, being your own company is never an easy thing.

Here's to a glass of wine later!

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