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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Writing Update 3/24/13 - And a Scrivener Tip!

It's been an excellent week. I'm now nearly halfway into writing book two of my sci-fi series, NotDone. Book two is entitled UnDone. I'm really hoping to complete the book by next weekend (not sure if I'm quite going to manage it), which is Easter. The main reason for that is my kids come out from England then for a couple of weeks and I want to be writing free when they get here. So, what do you think? It's going to tough. I need to write a further 21,000 words in seven days. 3,000 words a day is tough even for me as I usually try and churn out 1,400 on most days and sometimes double that. What's the book about? Hmm, not written the marketing blurb yet but there is a teaser on the NotDone website.

Some of you may know that I use a software product called Scrivener for my writing. I really love it as it has so many advantages over a strict word processing program. If you'd like to catch up on my Scrivener posts, you can read the complete series here.

Anyway, my Scrivener tip for the day is to use completed character templates for the actors in your book. Don't know what I mean? Then take a look at this:

Before I start writing I fill one of these in for each of my main characters and then I add bits and pieces as I get more into the story. Do I complete each part? Not usually. But if I do ever want to write more detail I have the prompts to do so. Give it a try.

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