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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Writing Update

There are some occasions when your body and mind need a break. It seems the last couple of months have been one such time for me. These last few months I've been promising myself that I will get back to writing another manuscript and interacting more on the social networking scene. It hasn't been that way. I've sat down many times and thought about what I've needed to do, but in the end my mind and body have told me 'no.' To that end, it has seemed clear that I've needed the break.

Thankfully it now appears the time of abstinence is now over and I am ready to write and interact a little more again. I'm trusting this is a permanent fix and the words will flow freely. If not then I will take a further break from it all until the New Year.

And what will I be working on? I will be continuing the manuscript I started a few months ago, Xannu - The Mayhem, the final installment in my YA epic fantasy saga. I am excited to bring this exciting series to a close. I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop over the next couple of months as to how I am progressing.

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