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Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Recover From a Stroke in a Three Months or Less

You've all probably been wondering where Paul Dorset aka John Cox has gone off to these past few weeks. On November 24, 2013 John had a stroke while we were having a quiet conversation about our weekend as we were sitting on our couch. Having sisters who are nurses we've discussed the warning signs of strokes and heart attacks before. So I immediately knew that this was serious. If you have to have a stroke his was the perfect scenario, fire fighters and paramedics arrived literally within minutes giving him oxygen. He was taken to Skagit Medical which is very close to our house. Within 40 minutes of this event happening he was flown to Swedish Cherry Hill. I went home called his parents in England to tell them what happened. I grabbed some clothes for him, his winter coat, his cell phone and charger then headed out for my hour and a half drive on I -5. Our dear friend Steve arrived first at the hospital, then Hamish after hearing the frantic message I had left on his phone. John's stroke, I eventually found out, after coming back to the ICU for the second time is not just hemoragic, he also had some ischemic spots as well. The spots they could tell happened within two weeks which were around the time of his stroke. We have been floor hopping between the 5th and now down to the 3rd to monitor John's heart. It's truly amazing that his personality, mannerisms, sense of humor, smiles and laughter are entirely himself!!! After two weeks in the ICU I gave him a pen just to see what he could do, he scribbled and the wrote his name underlining after. He is frustrated and bored, exactly what I want. I've found a rehab place near our house for the next phase of his recovery. I told him he has books to write and readers to captivate...... I told him that this is his next book, but we will write it together. This has been a life changing experience for both of us.
I'll keep you posted on John's progress on his journey to recovery.....
Debra Cox


  1. Debra,

    Please hug him and let him know that we are thinking of him as well as keeping him in our thoughts.

    Thank you again for posting and letting everyone know where he has been and he is doing.

    Best Wishes
    Eri Nelson

    1. * and how he is doing (sorry typing from phone)

    2. Thank you Eri, John is doing good. Today marks 3 weeks since his stroke. If all gives well he should be ready to transfer to a rehab facility to start that phase of his recovery. In all this time this is the first day he was grumpy. I told him I think he's earned it. Our nurse this morning said it was hard for the holidays. I told her this makes my holiday we can have Christmas and Thanksgiving any day of the year. He's my Christmas miracle.....I don't want a do over the outcome may not be the same..... Deb

  2. Unbelievable, just read this. I can't imagine, Deb. Praying and good karma wishes being sent. Please tell John I was asking about him and as one of his readers/followers/friends, I wish the TWO of you a speedy recovery for John. My names is Susan Ricci.

    1. Thank you Susan, it's taken me awhile to find my way to post a blog for my husband. Technology is not my forte....I'm surprising the hell out of myself everyday!! I wrote his post and read it to him fir his approval. I'm sure all of his followers have been wondering where he's gone off too. We will never take the little things for granted ever again. Today is the first day he was down in 3 weeks. I want him to be frustrated it will make him strive harder to get back to life. I wrote on the first post on my FB that "he has books to write and readers to captivate...." I would love for us to write a book about this journey. People plan for power outages but not for life changes events. Deb

  3. Hope the recovery goes well. Good luck with everything!

  4. Deb, I only know John/Paul through the blog and through Twitter, but I'm rooting for you both! Sending healthy, healing vibes through the Internet. Best wishes.

  5. HI, T.W. Grim here ... I'm one of the authors who participated in his "100 Indie Author Interviews" series. I had just sorta dropped in on his blog to see what Mr. Dorset was up to, and I'm dismayed to to hear this happened. It seems that the old adage concerning bad things and good people is, unfortunately, all too true ... I wish you a speedy recovery, sir.

  6. Hi John and Debra. I was really shocked and upset to read this. I only found out because I was recommending that 800 people on a Facebook group follow your blog. You are such a generous man, John and a source of inspiration for writers like me. You seem to be in the best of hands and I look forward to hearing about your steady progress. Thank you Debra for letting us know. I know that many thousands of people will be wishing you the best as I do. Martin Lake.

  7. Hi Debra,
    I knew John on twitter and have come to see him as a mentor despite not reading any of his books. I was checking to see if he has released his 100 Indie Author Interview (phase two) that features me when I saw this distressing post and wondered if it was one of those melodramas of writers. Writing this means that I understand the post is factual. Tell him that a guy in Africa that sees him as a beckon of hope says that those shoulders of his must get strong again. That he and many others want to stand on those shoulders and that readers still hope for continued inspiration.

  8. Hi Debra,
    I knew John on twitter and have come to see him as a mentor despite not reading any of his books. I was checking to see if he has released his 100 Indie Author Interview (phase two) that features me when I saw this distressing post and wondered if it was one of those melodramas of writers. Writing this means that I understand the post is factual. Tell him that a guy in Africa that sees him as a beckon of hope says that those shoulders of his must get strong again. That he and many others want to stand on those shoulders and that readers still hope for continued inspiration.

  9. I was also looking into see about his 100 Author Interview seeing how a few details I had given him had changed and was hoping it wasn't too late. Worry about that later, though. Get better, John.

  10. I also know John/ Paul from Twitter and his blog. I'm so shocked to hear this. I figured he was busy with writing. I'm sending thoughts and prayers for all of you. Thank you so much, Debra, for posting this information. You take care of yourself as well.

  11. So surprised and shocked to hear this. I also know John/Paul from Twitter and his Blog. Sending thoughts and prayers to your whole family and wishing John a speedy recovery. Debra, thanks so much for posting this. I figured he was quiet because of writing, but he usually always keeps up. Take care of yourself too. I hope this comment doesn't come out twice. I'm sorry it if did.

  12. Please let John know his friends are thinking of him and wishing him a speedy recovery.He's an exceptionally generous man to other authors and a nice person as well.

  13. I hope everything is still going well. Thanks for keeping us informed. I'm another of John's Twitter followers and love what he does for authors. He's so inspirational. Wishing you and John the best and a speedy recovery.

  14. Wish you a speedy recovery.

  15. I'm just now reading this and do hope John has recovered enough to be considered a miracle. Wishing him (and his family) health and all the best life can offer.
