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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Writing Update 3/31/13

Another week has passed me by and my fingers have been busy at the keyboard once again. How have I done? Last week I wrote that I needed to write over 20,000 words to finish the second book in my Sci-Fi series. Well, I didn't quite get there. As I write this (on Friday night), I am still 10,000 words short of finishing the draft manuscript. Hopefully by the time the weekend is over I'll only be 4,500 words short. So all in all, not a bad effort.

I started writing the first two books of the NotDone series on February 15th. My expectation is that the second book will be complete on April 3rd. That's 48 days from start to finish for a total of about 84,000 words - or approximately 1,750 words per day. I can be pleased with that effort!

Anyway, I'll end the post with a sneak peek at some raw unedited manuscript. Enjoy and I'll be back to report on my progress next week.

Effy walked slowly back to her compartment, kicking dust from the edges of the corridors with her boots as she walked. She still ached a little from the explosion the other day but at least she wasn’t as banged up as Chelsea. She muttered a brief prayer of thanks for her friend and turned the corner into the corridor where her shared compartment was. Absentmindedly she reached up for her scarf to pull it free. Yes, she remembered now. She hadn’t managed to find it this morning when she had been looking for it. In fact she hadn’t seen it for a few days, now she thought about it. She racked her brains to try and remember. Of course, the other night. That was the last time she had seen it.
The Mid she had seen had frightened her. Of course she wasn’t going to admit that to him, but he had come from out of nowhere. It was just as well she had finished putting the treasures away in her hiding hole. Perhaps she had dropped her scarf nearby. She had been in a hurry to get away from him. She smiled to herself. He had been scary and handsome at the same time.
Effy took one last look around her compartment before setting out for the abandoned tunnels one more time. She had discovered them purely by accident many months ago one time when she had been out exploring on her own, trying to sort out a few problems inside her head. Since then she had gone back several times.
A few minutes later and she was standing in the corridor that concealed her treasures. She lit a small flashlight and shone it around the floor, looking for her scarf. It was nowhere to be seen. “Damn it,” she said out loud. “I have no idea where else it could be.” She aimed the flashlight at random places on the floor one more time and was just about to return to her compartment when she noticed something out of place. About ten paces in front of her, to her left, was a small pile of scattered dirt. It shouldn’t be there. She always made sure to leave no trace of the holes she kept secret. Quickly she rushed over to the dirt and bent down onto her knees. It was as she suspected; the brick hadn’t been replaced exactly as it should have been. Someone had been here. Damn it. The Mid. There was no other explanation. He must have seen her. Frantically she pulled at the brick, digging at the dirt, until it came free. She put it down beside her and reached a small hand into the hole. Nothing. The hole was empty. It couldn’t be. She pulled her hand free and shone the flashlight inside, peering into it as best she could. No, her teacup and saucer had gone. Of that she was quite sure.

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Author Interview: Dawn Tevy

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 60th in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the mysterious Dawn Tevy and our conversation went something like this:

Paul:  I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
Dawn:  Not really, other than locking myself in my room. Like most authors I need my alone time when I'm writing.

What types of books do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors? Why?
Dawn:  I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but it was the Twilight series and Stephanie Meyers' back story that inspired me to try my hand at writing. Most people's lives could use more fantasy.

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
Dawn:  The joy of childhood that we too often leave behind!

Paul:  Do you have a favorite character in each of your series, aside from the lead? If so, which one and why?
Dawn:  Jubryi. The big guy is hilarious, honest, and loyal. He's also a HOT hunk and that helps!

Paul:  In all the years you've been publishing your work, what is the biggest mistake you made that you could share so others can avoid making it?
Dawn:  At this point I’m still new to the industry. But the one thing that I found incredibly frustrating was the lack of genuine help. There were no websites that spelled it all out in simple how to steps and everything such as editing, art work etc. Everything costs, and most of the rates are far more than a single mom can afford. Because of that I’ve created a new kind of publishing house that will allow people many choices. No matter what you need or how much money you have or more decisively, don’t have, we can work with you. No gimmicks, scams, just genuine people helping others to realize their dream. We will be launching in early 2013.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
Dawn:  LOL... Hmmm.

Paul:  If you are self-published, what led to you going your own way?
Dawn:  I did a LOT of homework. I even did a radio show about the subject. The biggest factor I weighed was the advice I received from Lou Aronica. Lou is the man who took on/published Star Wars back in the 70’s when no-one else would touch it. He was also the SVP for two of the top publishing houses in the USA. Lou edited a chunk of my novel and he taught me the finer details of writing. Anyway, after years of being in the industry and working with amazing writers like Arthur C. Clark, Nora Roberts, Ray Bradbury, and Margaret Weis just to name a few, he left the traditional side of publishing and went independent. If someone with that much experience and expertise chooses to go indie there must be a reason. While interviewing Lou on my radio show we discussed the topic in depth.

Paul:  Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
Dawn:  Definitely run with it.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully formed?
Dawn:  It's always wise to edit. I prefer to go with the flow of ideas to get them all down and then polish it up later.

Paul:  Do you have to do much research for your stories?
Dawn:  Yes. I researched language and names, as well as concepts.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it.
Dawn:  Angels & Warriors, The Awakening. It's a fantasy about a woman who has her world ripped away from her. The story is driven by the lead character's eyes opening to her true reality and she must decide what path she will take in life; the easy one or the one that may change the world for all eternity. The story is set in a medieval world...the lead character is a strong female. There is romance, humor, love and betrayal.

Paul:  What inspired you to write this book?
Dawn:  I read all four Twilight books in just five days. I knew Stephanie’s back story and wondered what I could write if I gave it a try. My only intention was writing a little story for ME. I just sat down one day and started writing. One month later I had over 250 pages written and the rest is history.

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for you brand?
Dawn:  It's a full time job. I am currently doing blog tours and my radio show and the vice president of the company is marketing for us at least forty hours a week.

Paul:  What's your favorite/least favorite aspect of your writing life? Has anything surprised you?
Dawn:  The process of writing is what I enjoy. It's total immersion in my own fantasy. I was surprised when I finished writing a book in just a few months then started a second book because the story wasn't over. Editing is probably my least favorite aspect of writing because I can ALWAYS find something to change.

Paul:  What do you do when you're not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
Dawn:  I spend time with my two teenage boys. Camping is one our favorite family activities.

Paul:  Thank you very much, Dawn. I wish you every success for the future.

About Dawn Tevy: Dawn Tevy was born and raised in California. She grew up with an appreciation for nature and the rich variety of outdoor activities the state had to offer. She's an avid camper and hiker who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.

Dawn is a humanitarian who has given her time and energy to complete strangers, including "critters" as she calls them. She once raised a squirrel at her home and also volunteered at an animal rescue facility. She tries to see the best in everyone. "I never judge, simply because I believe that all people should be free to be who they are at heart, not who others expect them to be," says Dawn.

She now lives on the East coast and is a single mom.

Dawn's Website: Angels & Warriors
Dawn on Twitter: @dawntevy
Dawn on Facebook: Dawn Tevy
Dawn's latest book: Angels & Warriors, The Awakening (Amazon)

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Infographic: The Cost Of Living


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How Long Should A Novel Be? - My Most Searched Blog Post

It has been almost two years since I published an article about the ideal length of your first novel. During those two years this article has been the most searched question that has led readers to my blog. So today I thought I'd refresh the article and re-print it for those of you that have not yet had a chance to read it. Enjoy!

How Long Should a First Novel Be?
So what is it? 20,000, 40,000, 80,000 or 120,000? What is the correct length for a novel? This is a tough question and one that many new authors struggle with. In this article I will aim to give you some guidance on choosing the correct number of words you should be aiming for.

When you read novels do you look for books of a certain size? Is your favorite novel long, short, or somewhere in between? I ask this because, to a certain extent, the type of books you read influences the type of books you write. The second thing that will influence you will be genre. Are you writing Children’s, YA, Romance, Sci-Fi or a Thriller? Most genres have particular guidelines for novel lengths and you need to understand these before your book is finished. And I’ll state this again, you need to understand the length of books in a certain genre. If you write a novel that is totally different in length to a standard of the genre, then the chances of your novel being successful will all but disappear.

Pages in a book are made up of words and in the average paperback there are approximately 250 words to a page. Sometimes 300+ in a small-type book, but let’s go with 250. This means that for every 100 pages there are approximately 25,000 words. Children’s novels (Middle Grade and some YA) typically have between 25,000 and 40,000 words. An adult novel of this length would be considered short, but maybe on the edges of some pulp romance novels. Most novels set the minimum bar at about 60,000 words (about 240 pages), but Fantasy novels are well-known for 125,000+ word books.

But I don’t know how long my book will be, you say. While this is true to a certain extent, this in no excuse to not writing the book to be a certain length. It is up to you to ensure the plot has enough story points to enable you to write the required number of words. You’re really writing to a formula, something that has been laid down by many others before. In s previous article I wrote that each story point will probably be worth 400 to 500 words, so to write a 60,000 word novel you’re going to need somewhere near to 150 story points. And, as I've also written before, that’s a lot of story points. So, before you start writing your 125,000 word Fantasy novel in earnest, you’d better make sure you have those 250+ story points nearly complete!

Some authors will argue that a story should be as long as it needs to be, and who am I to disagree? However one thing that many of these authors are forgetting is that they are already published and established and they can decide to a certain extent just how long their books should be. As a debut author you do not get that luxury. Writing a book is all about good language and sticking to a formula. Why try and break the mold on your very first attempt?

As a first time or newly published author you don’t get a say in how long your book should be. What I mean by that is let’s suppose you’re writing Romance and your comparison books all run at 60,000 words. If your book is only 45,000 words long, that’s not going to be enough. Don’t even consider trying to get it published! Similarly, if you overrun and you suddenly have a 100,000 word book on your hands, edit out 40,000 words or so! The length of your novel is very important.

I currently write in two particular genres, comical Middle Grade adventures and YA Fantasy. Both of these genres require I write to certain word guidelines and in my case I try and produce books at approximately 35,000 and 125,000 words respectively.

Of course there are exceptions to all rules. JK Rowling doesn’t need to worry about the length of books she needs to write. Not now anyway. But if you look back to the first few books in her Harry Potter series you’ll see they were all at about the 75,000 to 80,000 word length. The last four books, however, were between 165,000 and 250,000 words! If and when you become famous, you get to decide how long your books are. Until that time, stick to the rules!

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel

I have been fortunate to have received some wonderful reviews of my Writing For Success self-help book, How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel. Please check them out below and then head over to my website and pick up a copy today! It's only $3.99 for an ebook version. That's less than a pint of beer!
"[Paul Dorset] does a better job at teaching about writing than Stephen King." (Karen Einsel - Author) 
"I found this book to be chockfull of practical advice. The author covered everything from "Don't begin at the beginning" to plot and point of view. He covered characterization, dialogue and creating meaningful conflict.
I liked that the author put out some writing samples, both good and bad to illustrate his points. He would often put out the bad samples and then clean them up to illustrate good writing.
The last part of the book was quite informative. I hadn't heard of the concept of "pre-readers", so that information was worth the price of the book alone.
He describes how to format your book for self-publication, and where to go for more information.
This book is a useful, informative series of essays on how to become a published author and I would recommend it." (Amazon reviewer)
"Paul, I read 'How to Write and Selfpublish Your First Novel' and I loved it! What a wealth of wonderful information!! Thank you!" (Amazon Reviewer)
"Self-publishing is a mine field - this concise book will help any budding authors cut to the chase. Paul Dorset obviously speaks from experience. It's always good to learn from others and save yourself time and trouble. Writing your book is only a small, albeit very important part of becoming a successful author - getting it in front of your audience is the bigger challenge. How to Write and Self-publish your first Novel deals with both aspects so making the process achievable. My own success in writing and publishing The Hole Opportunity is due in part to this book." (Amazon Reviewer)

How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel

Age Group: All Ages
Genre: Reference / Self-Help
Pages: 125

Writing and publishing your first novel is tough. It usually takes a long time. Years for most people. It can be soul destroying too. You finally complete your manuscript; you send off samples to agents and publishers, and anxiously watch the mail for the responses. Then they come in, one at a time, rejection after rejection.

How do I know this? I’ve been there. Does this mean I was a bad writer? No, but I could have used some help in those early days. Sure, I had purchased a few books on writing and I had tried to pay attention to the advice they gave, but there were so many of them and sometimes advice seemed to conflict other advice. It was way too much to take in.

But I persevered with my writing and now I have been writing for several years and I have completed several novels and other books, and my writing is a lot better. My early novels could still do with some major re-editing (which they will be finally getting this summer), but my later works, oh wow I can spot the differences!

So, a few months ago I decided I would go the self-publishing route to getting my books out there in the big world. Things are changing in the book markets and so many people now have Kindles and Nooks and iPads and other electronic book readers. I thought to myself, why not do it myself? I know I can write; I have that confidence. Enough complete strangers have told me they like what I write, so why shouldn’t I join that list of published authors? And why should I have to wait for some agent or publisher to take a chance on an unknown author before I get published? So I did it, and now I have the story to tell and the method you can use to generate your own success.

This ebook is a series of essays solely concerned with improving your writing skills and getting your first novel successfully self-published. It is written in a way that you can keep dipping into it, and keep coming back to parts of it, time and time again. It is concise and to the point and it is written from experience; thousands of hours of experience. Every essay in this book is relevant and has a purpose. Every essay will give you pause for thought.

Can I turn you into a bestselling author? No – only you can do that. But I can set you on a path to success. I can give you clear guidelines about what not to do, and how to do things better. And I can tell you exactly how to self-publish that novel. This ebook takes your novel from the beginning and leads you along a path of self-discovery. When you have finished reading you will be Writing for Success and be someone who has a better chance than most every other wannabe author out there of becoming the next Tom Clancy, JK Rowling, Stephen King, or whoever else is your writing hero.

Good luck!

1. Don't Start the Story at the Beginning
2. Become a Successful Writer in 2,000 Hours
3. Poems and Short Stories
4. Creating a Good Plot
5. How Long Should a First Novel Be?
6. Writing in the First Person
7. Writing in the Third Person
8. Dialog Versus Narrative – Show Versus Tell
9. Writing Your First Novel: Words & Routine
10. Conflict and Its Importance
11. Plot Pace
12. Creating Believable and Well Rounded Characters
13. Writing Dialog – Or ‘He Said, She Said’
14. Creating a Page Turner
15. Letting the Book 'Cook'
16. Self-Editing Your Novel
17. The Process of Pre-Reads
18. Creating a World of Fantasy
19. How to Write & Self-Publish a Novel: The End-To-End Process Checklist
20. Creating a Writing Environment without Interruptions
21. Reading to Write
22. Encouraging All Would Be Authors
23. The Self-Publishing Process - The COMPLETE A-Z Instructions
24. Marketing Your Novel - The Relevance of Social Media, ARCs and Book Bloggers

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Monday, March 25, 2013

New Blood by Paul Dorset - FREE on Amazon

A week or so back, I decided to put the first in my Melrose series, New Blood, exclusively onto the Amazon platform. This means that if you have an Amazon Prime account you can borrow my book for FREE! Go figure!

So, take a peek and hop over to Amazon and borrow my book :-)

Title: New Blood (Melrose Part One)
Genre: 16+ YA Urban Paranormal Thriller
Price: $2.99 (FREE to borrow using Amazon Kindle Prime)
Available From: Amazon

Wendy stopped in the corridor, squeezed Fred up against a wall, and stared into his face. She could almost hear his heart pounding. “Not today, Fred. Today we’re going straight there. I think you understand what I am saying. I’m not here to be your friend..."

A single kiss can get a girl killed. But what if he's the most irresistible man you've ever met? What would you do?

Watch the New Blood trailer:

If you don't have a flash enabled browser, click HERE to watch trailer

"New Blood reads like season one of an addictive paranormal TV series. The premise takes the power of relationships beyond even the vampire thrill. The characters are fleshed out (except the victims, who are left convincingly dry) and we care enough about our heroine Lucy, to dread her migraines almost as much as she does. Add in a paranoia about the people who are really in power and... well, the temptation is to call it a formula for a long and satisfying series. However, Paul Dorset rises above formulaic prose with writing so compelling that only after you catch your breath do you realize the craftsmanship. He tells stories. And as with the best paranormal fiction, the fantasy serves to illustrate some basic truths of the human condition." - G. Tuttle (reviewer)

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Writing Update 3/24/13 - And a Scrivener Tip!

It's been an excellent week. I'm now nearly halfway into writing book two of my sci-fi series, NotDone. Book two is entitled UnDone. I'm really hoping to complete the book by next weekend (not sure if I'm quite going to manage it), which is Easter. The main reason for that is my kids come out from England then for a couple of weeks and I want to be writing free when they get here. So, what do you think? It's going to tough. I need to write a further 21,000 words in seven days. 3,000 words a day is tough even for me as I usually try and churn out 1,400 on most days and sometimes double that. What's the book about? Hmm, not written the marketing blurb yet but there is a teaser on the NotDone website.

Some of you may know that I use a software product called Scrivener for my writing. I really love it as it has so many advantages over a strict word processing program. If you'd like to catch up on my Scrivener posts, you can read the complete series here.

Anyway, my Scrivener tip for the day is to use completed character templates for the actors in your book. Don't know what I mean? Then take a look at this:

Before I start writing I fill one of these in for each of my main characters and then I add bits and pieces as I get more into the story. Do I complete each part? Not usually. But if I do ever want to write more detail I have the prompts to do so. Give it a try.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Author Interview: Dangerous Lee

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 59th in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the not at all Dangerous Lee and our conversation went something like this:

Paul:  I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
Dangerous:  No. Lately I have only been jotting down ideas for stories or endings to stories. I find that I have become a lazy writer and I am going to blog more often to get out of that rut.

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
Dangerous:  Oh man! There’s a lot going on in this head of mine. I’m not sure someone else could or would want to handle it.

Paul:  How do you find the time to write?
Dangerous:  I don’t. That is an issue for me. I am a web publisher as well as being an author and artist, so I spend most of my time reviewing other people's writing.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
Dangerous:  Well, since you only know what I tell you, I hope you tell them everything!

Paul:  If you are self-published, what led to you going your own way?
Dangerous:  I self-published because it became obvious to me that it was the only way my book was going to get published.

Paul:  Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
Dangerous:  I get an idea and run with it. Plotting comes in as part of the process later on.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?
Dangerous:  For my first book, Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down, I did the initial editing, but then had a friend come in as an extra pair of eyes and she did find some errors. Editing is a very important process in publishing, if not the most important part.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it.
Dangerous:  Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down – Six Erotic Tales of Safe Sex, is an anthology of short erotic stories with an emphasis on HIV education.

Paul:  What inspired you to write this book?
Dangerous:  The fact that African Americans have some of the highest rates of HIV infection.

Paul:  Do you also write any poetry, non-fiction or short stories?
Dangerous:  I dabble in poetry when I’m feeling emotional sometimes, but I am not a huge fan of poetry. I am a short story writer. I have tons of story ideas floating in my head, on my iPod, and on various scraps of paper.

Paul:  Do you have any pieces of work that will never see the light of day?
Dangerous:  I hope they all do get to see the light of day because I will write and publish books of short stories until I die.

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for your ‘brand’?
Dangerous:  Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down will be 3 years old soon, but I still promote my book and the website to accompany it ( on a weekly basis. Safe sex will never be passe.

Paul:  What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
Dangerous:  I am a web publisher, as I stated earlier, and things are really taking off with that, so that’s what I spend most of my time doing. I run The Dangerous Lee News & Entertainment Network ( and I recently had content featured on The TODAY Show, so I am on a high to keep getting people to take notice of me.

Paul:  Thanks a lot, Dangerous. I wish you every success for the future.

About Dangerous Lee: Dangerous Lee (Lei Langston), a brand with various projects in the fields of web publishing, writing, acting, painting, and internet radio has also worked professionally in the radio, television, and music industries over the course of her career.

Dangerous' Website: Dangerous Lee
Dangerous on Twitter: @dangerouslee
Dangerous on Facebook: Dangerous Lee
Dangerous' latest book: Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down (Amazon)

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Author Interview: TeaRon Watkins

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 58th in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the ever cool wannabe actor TeaRon Watkins and our conversation went something like this:

Paul:  I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
TeaRon:  My biggest writing ritual is reading. I find that reading other authors' work inspires me to do my own thing and of course being competitive in nature, I try and do it a lot better than whoever’s work I read before.

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
TeaRon:  I think that if someone were to step into my mind then they would first realize that they are in the gutters. Shortly after that they’d notice a field of question marks because I’m just guessing my way through this thing called life like anyone else.

Paul:  In all the years you’ve been publishing your work, what is the biggest mistake you made that you could share so others can avoid making it?
TeaRon:  The biggest mistake I’ve made in publishing so far is rushing a finished product. What people have to do is remember to live in the moment because time is such a precious commodity. There’s no sense in rushing it. Each and every time I revisit my first book I am constantly reminded that I could’ve taken a little more time to perfect it. 

Paul:  How do you find the time to write?
TeaRon:  I write out a schedule and plan ahead. Most importantly, I turn off my phone and disconnect from the internet. It’s all about eliminating myself from distractions and allowing my imagination to flow.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
TeaRon:  Well this is kind of a double edge sword don’t you think? LOL. I would hope that you don’t tell them that I’m a jerk or anything like that. I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m not as cool as I think I am.

Paul:  If you are self-published, what led to you going your own way?
TeaRon:  I hope that it’s a temporary thing because I think any serious self-published author truly wants a deal with a major publisher. I just think that some of things that I had to say starting out just wouldn’t fly if I was already signed to an established brand. I want to prove to publishers that I’m worth their time more so than anything having to do with money.

Paul:  * Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
TeaRon:  I think I start with a plot and then it tends to become an idea and I run with it. It never starts out that way, I always start out with an idea in mind and somewhere between start and finish I end up going with the flow.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?
TeaRon:  I am anti-editing. What that means is that I’ll try and edit things like typos, misspellings and things of that nature but I never try and take away the raw and organic feel of what I say. I like for the reader to get that when I get lemons, I slice them and eat them because sometimes you just don’t have sugar to make lemonade.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it.
TeaRon:  My most recent book is titled The Last Virgin and it’s about sex. LOL. More specifically, it’s about sexual tolerance and liberation. I explore topics such as teen pregnancy, sex at an early age, marriage and more. I wanted to take many things that people have experienced or know about but just haven’t talked about and I open up the floor for discussion with no regrets. It’s all about taking the dirt that society has piled up under their rugs and vacuuming under them.

Paul:  What inspired you to write this book?
TeaRon:  It was a sign of the times thing. I looked around and noticed how much technology has affected the advancement of sexual activity amongst the youth and I had to let people know that even with all that the world throws at you, you can remain strong in the face of adversity.

Paul:  Do you also write any poetry, non-fiction or short stories?
TeaRon:  I do write poetry. My first book, The Gift, was a collection of poetry that I had written over several years and since I’ve been known for that I’ve tried to include a little bit of poetry in all that I do. There’s even some exclusive original poetry that I’ve written for my latest book. Funny thing, I don’t consider myself a poet.

Paul:  Do you have any pieces of work that will never see the light of day?
TeaRon:  I need to go to rehab for writing. I write way too much and I save everything. It’s the art of the thing, you know? I just know that unless someone roams through all my things when I die and like puts them on display; most of the stuff I’ve written will be kept in the dark for a long time.

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for your ‘brand’?
TeaRon:  I do as much as I can. Every little thing counts. From speaking to students at school to being a part of poetry slams and more. I just try and stay active and always stay out and about doing something. Who is going to spread the word about the man better than the man in the skin, right?

Paul:  What’s your favorite / least favorite aspect of your writing life? Has anything surprised you?
TeaRon:  My least favorite aspect is the down time. Just like being an entertainer in any other field, it’s hit and miss. I pray that I’m able to always have a public that craves me being active and actually care whether or not I’m working on something new. That would be ideal.

Paul:  What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
TeaRon:  It’s rare that I’m not writing, I try and make it a daily thing but whenever I’m not writing I’m usually just watching a movie or out and about pursuing my acting career. That’s something else that I hope to be successful at but my writing is the cornerstone of all that I do.

Paul:  Thanks TeaRon, that was very interesting. Good luck for the future.

About TeaRon Watkins: Author, entertainer, dreamer, achiever.

TeaRon's Website: The Real TeaRon Watkins
TeaRon on Twitter: @tearonw
TeaRon on Facebook: TeaRon Watkins
TeaRon's latest book: The Last Virgin (Amazon)

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