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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Writing Experiment #31 - Ryann Manuscript Part 28

This is number thirty-one in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - COMPLETE
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 19th
Progress: Day 28 complete. Following is the day's writing...


Alas, I have not pasted the final part of the manuscript to my blog. What? How dare I ruin everyone's fun?

But - you can still get a hold of it. All you need do is to sign up for my monthly newsletter (see below or opposite). In the next edition I will be sending the link to the final part of the manuscript. Can't wait? Then please just send an email to and I will add you to my newsletter distribution AND send you the link IMMEDIATELY. How about that?

Stay tuned for the manuscript edits that are due in a month's time. And finally, THANK YOU all so much for indulging me!

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