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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

83,400 Word Manuscript Complete - The Easy Part Is Done

Yesterday evening I completed the first draft manuscript for the second book in my Melrose series. It weighed in at 83,400 words - a real labor of love. And now I only have the difficult part of the job left to do.

I guess most people who write 80,000 words would think the hardest part is complete, but that's really not so. Before the manuscript can become a published book it will have to go through the following process:
  • Let it 'cook' - leave it and forget it for a month
  • Perform the first 'sanity' edit on the book
  • Send it out to some pre-readers for their feedback
  • Perform the second 'feedback' edit
  • Send it out to early reviewers
  • Perform final editing and proof-reading
  • Design book cover
  • Design promotional materials
  • Convert book to an ebook and re-proof
  • Convert book to a paperback and re-proof
  • Arrange publicity, press release, co-ordinate reviews and organize book launch
Phew! Like I said, the easy part was actually writing the book...

Okay, now it's back to the grind. Time to have a little celebration and take a deep breath before I get on with my next task. There's never a dull moment in the life of an Indie Author.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks John - interesting descriptive post. I found the initial writing phase of my novel (Searching for Gilead) to be so intoxicating I had to remind myself to stop and eat/sleep. Working with the editor, reviewing proofreading corrections, arranging promotion, etc. is much less exciting. I know some authors who really enjoy the rewrites. I'd like to have whatever drugs they use. Cheers, David (
