Readers Who Cut Their Teeth on Vampires
Kids Need Something More To Chew On
parents try to stay plugged into their kids’ lives, and nowadays – for parents
of teen girls, anyway – that’s likely
to mean reading the Twilight vampire
series by Stephenie Meyer and tuning into the hit teen TV drama, The Vampire Diaries, on The CW.
the fourth in the series, The Twilight
Saga: Breaking Dawn, opening in movie theaters Nov. 18, there’s plenty of
bloodlust building, but how to keep whetting that appetite for books? As teens outgrow the high
school drama and simple romance of adolescent fantasy fiction, they need
something with the same allure – and a little more substance – to keep them
to those 30-, 40- and 50-something parents who want to continue hanging with
their kids, even if it’s only in the pages of books. Many of these adults have
become vampire literates, though by now they’re hankering for something a
little more substantive than Type 0 fantasy.
Dorset, a father of five girls and boys ages 13 to 27 years old, says it’s
important to keep kids reading – even if they’re 20-something “kids” – and when
parents and children can talk about the books they’re sharing, that’s better
have a short attention span these days,” he says. “It takes a really good book
to get them focused. You really have to encourage kids to read.”
a pioneer in the computing world (he was writing classified code for the
British government in the late 1970s and early ‘80s), Dorset
has an unusual insight into what clicks, literally, for young readers – and
their parents.
newest book, New Blood: Melrose Part 1 (, draws from
his 30-plus years in Information Technology. Toss in a little paranormal
activity (a graduation from vampires) and Da
Vinci Code-style intrigue and you’ve got something older teens, young
adults and their parents can sink
their teeth into.
wouldn’t recommend it for my 13-year-old, but it’s perfect for my 16-year-old,”
he says. “Even my 22-year-old loves it, and the guys like it as much as the
a British native who lives near Seattle, Wash., says it’s important to give
young adults books that offer readers something to chew on intellectually
without being overly graphic, something that both parents and their young adult
kids can have fun with and talk about – without blushing.
does one do that? Hit on the themes affecting all of us today: layoffs and
corporate reorganization; technology and the looming shadow of “big brother;”
ambition and its costs.
to that mystery, the paranormal culture and two people who must never get
together and you’ve got lots of layers for any adult, or young adult, to peel
back,” he says. “The more things that happen, the more you uncover.”
should keep young people perpetuating a declining skill: reading.
Paul Dorset
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