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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Oh It's A Blustery Day

Oh It's A Blustery Day

Oh it's a blustery day
Today it's the middle of summer
But it doesn't feel like it
The wind is blowing. Brrr.

The wind is bowing very hard
There are several overturned trees
Walking is the cold wind is very chilly
Especially without your scarf to protect you.

Help! The wind is blowing me off my feet
I don't know what to do
I better go in it makes perfect sense
To step inside it's perfect to watch through the window.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

La La La!

La La La

It is a music day
What do you say
You try opening you mouth
To see if you can sing
La la la.

Hand by your chest
Stick abandoned and
Leaning by your side
You look a gay old man
La la la.

It is the tune to be hummed out
La la la
It is the tune to be beat out
La la la
It is the tune to be happy about
La la la
La la la.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel

How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Novel

Now available on AmazonBarnes & Noble
iTunes & Smashwords - ONLY $3.99
"[Paul Dorset] does a better job at teaching about writing then Stephen King" (Karen Einsel)
Writing and publishing your first novel is tough. It usually takes a long time. Years for most people. It can be soul destroying too. You finally complete your manuscript; you send off samples to agents and publishers, and anxiously watch the mail for the responses. Then they come in, one at a time, rejection after rejection.

How do I know this? I’ve been there. Does this mean I was a bad writer? No, but I could have used some help in those early days. Sure, I had purchased a few books on writing and I had tried to pay attention to the advice they gave, but there were so many of them and sometimes advice seemed to conflict other advice. It was way too much to take in.

But I persevered with my writing and now I have been writing for several years and I have completed several novels and other books, and my writing is a lot better. My early novels could still do with some major re-editing (which they will be finally getting this summer), but my later works, oh wow I can spot the differences!

So, a few months ago I decided I would go the self-publishing route to getting my books out there in the big world. Things are changing in the book markets and so many people now have Kindles and Nooks and iPads and other electronic book readers. I thought to myself, why not do it myself? I know I can write; I have that confidence. Enough complete strangers have told me they like what I write, so why shouldn’t I join that list of published authors? And why should I have to wait for some agent or publisher to take a chance on an unknown author before I get published? So I did it, and now I have the story to tell and the method you can use to generate your own success.

This ebook is a series of essays solely concerned with improving your writing skills and getting your first novel successfully self-published. It is written in a way that you can keep dipping into it, and keep coming back to parts of it, time and time again. It is concise and to the point and it is written from experience; thousands of hours of experience. Every essay in this book is relevant and has a purpose. Every essay will give you pause for thought.

Can I turn you into a bestselling author? No – only you can do that. But I can set you on a path to success. I can give you clear guidelines about what not to do, and how to do things better. And I can tell you exactly how to self-publish that novel. This ebook takes your novel from the beginning and leads you along a path of self-discovery. When you have finished reading you will be Writing for Success and be someone who has a better chance than most every other wannabe author out there of becoming the next Tom Clancy, JK Rowling, Stephen King, or whoever else is your writing hero.

Good luck!

1. Don't Start the Story at the Beginning
2. Become a Successful Writer in 2,000 Hours
3. Poems and Short Stories
4. Creating a Good Plot
5. How Long Should a First Novel Be?
6. Writing in the First Person
7. Writing in the Third Person
8. Dialog Versus Narrative – Show Versus Tell
9. Writing Your First Novel: Words & Routine
10. Conflict and Its Importance
11. Plot Pace
12. Creating Believable and Well Rounded Characters
13. Writing Dialog – Or ‘He Said, She Said’
14. Creating a Page Turner
15. Letting the Book 'Cook'
16. Self-Editing Your Novel
17. The Process of Pre-Reads
18. Creating a World of Fantasy
19. How to Write & Self-Publish a Novel: The End-To-End Process Checklist
20. Creating a Writing Environment without Interruptions
21. Reading to Write
22. Encouraging All Would Be Authors
23. The Self-Publishing Process - The COMPLETE A-Z Instructions
24. Marketing Your Novel - The Relevance of Social Media, ARCs and Book Bloggers


1. Don’t Start the Story at the Beginning
A controversial start to an article! It’s very tempting when you begin a story or a novel to start at the beginning. That is usually a mistake. Why? Quite simply because beginnings of stories usually aren’t that interesting. If you want to hook a reader from the very beginning, start with something exciting. Maybe an argument, a murder, a conflict, a car crash or a funeral. Anything but an introductory narrative. And that goes for prologues too. Prologues do not belong in first novels or first books of series.

Let’s give a small example. Following is the way not to start the story:
It was a windy day as Steven walked along the street towards his house. He was glad to be finished with work and was looking forward to spending some time with his wife this evening. They had been married nearly four years and the move to Wendington Heights had been the right decision. His parents had said he was too young to get married at twenty-three but his relationship had proved them wrong. Steven leaned into the wind and grabbed the edges of his coat as he walked. He smiled to himself. Why hadn’t he bought that car like his wife, Susan, had suggested? It certainly would have made the journey to work easier. Every day there was always some reason why the buses weren’t on time. Still, he had a good job and working at the Midland Bank meant he had good job prospects. Besides, it allowed Susan to stay at home and practice her artwork. 
Finally Steven reached his gate and he pushed it open. He put his key in the lock of the door and went inside. “Susan, I’m home,” he called out. “Susan?” Steven put his briefcase down in the hallway, took off his coat and walked into the kitchen. “Susan?” There was no reply. Not to worry, she was probably at the store or something. Steven cracked open a beer and took it upstairs with him. “Damn it,” he said out loud as he tripped over a baseball bat on the landing. “What’s that doing here?” He pushed open his bedroom door and let his beer drop to the floor. “Susan?” he screamed. “Susan?” Steven ran over to the bloodied body that was lying on the bed.
What’s wrong with this? Well, first off I will say that for the sake of conciseness I have shortened my bad example. Books like this usually start off with at least a page of introduction. They’re concerned with telling you everything about the main character. How old he is, what he looks like, where he works, why he’s doing what he does, etc. You get the picture. But what is it all leading up to? As you can see by the very last sentence, it’s all leading up to a murder probably. So why not start with the murder? And when I say ‘start’ I mean in the very first sentence. The beginning of a story needs to grip the reader otherwise they may never get past the first page. Backstory can always be filled in later. So how about a small rewrite like this instead?
“Susan? No! Wake up. What happened?” Steven rolled the bloodied body of his wife over onto her back and looked into her lifeless face. “Susan!” 
Steven fell to his knees and wept; his hands trying to feel if she had a pulse. Her body felt cold and inside he knew she was already dead. He allowed his head to drop onto her stomach and he let out a smothered scream. The baseball bat he had tripped over in the hallway should have sent warning signals rushing through him but he hadn’t expected anything unusual. Wendington Heights was supposed to be one of the safest areas of Pennsylvania. 
The police. He had to call the police. Steven pushed himself to his feet and wiped his face. The blood. He was covered with Susan’s blood. Was that okay? Would the police think he did it? He had to call them. There were a thousand thoughts speeding through his head at the same time. Maybe he should wash it off. No, maybe that would look worse. What was he going to do? Maybe he shouldn’t have picked up the baseball bat and put it on the hallway table either. What had he been thinking? 
The police. “I have to call the police,” he said, falling back against the bedroom wall and letting his hands steady himself. Bloodied handprints smeared the paintwork.
In this example there is already conflict. Susan is dead. Steven discovered the body. But he’s covered with blood too. What should he do? Perhaps he really did it. I for one want to continue reading so that I can find out what’s going to happen. Like I said, you can fill in the backstory later. It’s not important on the first page that Steven is twenty-seven, that he works in a bank, that he takes the bus to work, and that his wife practices her artwork. Are these things important? Maybe. But if they are then they can be introduced later. The most important thing to do on page one of a book is to hook the reader. Never start a story at the beginning. Find that place where there is something going on and start the story there.

Monday, July 28, 2014

I Am Back

I Am Back

Well here I am all laid back!
Lying on my blue mat.
This morning it was turn of knees
And my goodness did they have a blast.
They bent them forwards the same backwards.
That was after the put them side by side.
Oh what fun!

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Infographic: 29 Ways to Stay Creative


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A Normal Post!

A Normal Post!

Today is a day alone at feeling good
You have to be able to wear a striped shirt.
Your sunglasses must cause a subdue darkened light.
For dinner you choose between soup, sausage, spinach and spaghetti.
You wash it down with orange squash.
Oh, you forgot you must eat the soup with a specialist spoon.
And you remembered salt and pepper and not to sprinkle sugar on it.
And I thought about squirrel, squid and sharks just for fun.
I was very happy I think that's seventeen words.

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Infographic: Ribbons - More than Just for Decoration


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The Huge Meal

The Huge Meal

The boy passionately waited at attention.
A huge meal had been prepared for him.
He was very happy. He was ecstatic.
On his plate in front of him.
Was a surfeit of food staring back at him.
There was cut up sausages, mashed potato and peas.
It did look nice especially to him.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

My Book Cover!

My book cover! It rocks doesn't it...

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

C'est La Vie!

C'est La Vie!

I am sad, I am totally incomplete
If I am sad I am totally run down.
But not to worry I am here in shorts today
With my clenched fist and my leg on display.
Oh well never mind it's a good day
I've got my mind today it's a good mind.
C'est la vie!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I Don't Wanna Let Go

I Don't Wanna Let Go

It's no good holding onto
Stuff with the odd hand.
I have to pry the fingers
And then place the object.
I am careful but sometimes
It doesn't want to go.
Sometimes it smashes
On to the ground.
It takes me longer
Than for a regular person.

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