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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Author Interview: Yiro Abari

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 91st in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the happy-go-lucky, Yiro Abari, and our conversation went something like this:

Paul:  I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
Yiro:  Yes I have a number of online publications but just one book, titled, How to Become a Music Maestro

Paul:  What types of books do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors? Why?
Yiro:  I love to read just any type of book as long as there is something to learn and the author is creative in the choice of his topic and writing style.

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
Yiro:  They will see ideas that keep passing through my mind. Some of which cannot be actualize as the environment where I live lacks to supporting atmosphere.

Paul:  What is a typical day for you? 
Yiro:  Writing has not started fetching money for me. As a result I work as a Chemistry teacher in a school. Whenever I close I spend my time listening to news. In the course of listening to news an issue could cross my mind and stir it leading to a topic that I will write about and publish it on my blog. If it is music that I listened to and it occurred to me to review it, I do that and post it on my blog for music reviews. That blog is Nightingale; If it is on another issue that falls in my general category, I post it on News Tower:

Paul:  In all the years you’ve been publishing your work, what is the biggest mistake you made that you could share so others can avoid making it? 
Yiro:  I cannot remember any mistake I have made. I am however still in the learning process and pray never to make any mistake that will make me regret. I pray God to make this possible.

Paul:  How do you find the time to write?
Yiro:  My schedule is not tight actually. Any time an idea crosses my mind I just sit and begin to type.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
Yiro:  I cannot think of any now. Not because there could never be but because none has crossed my mind at this point.

Paul:  If you are self-published, what led to you going your own way?
Yiro:  I think this is the most important question so far. I am Nigerian. In my country there is the issue of piracy for which the authorities do little or nothing about. When my book was ready, the fact that I could not trust any publisher in addition to the issue of piracy let me to decide on independent publishing. I will rather hide my book on Amazon even if there are no sales than to see somebody making a fortune from my sweat. People involved in piracy are extremely rich and control the marketing network. It is easy for them to print and sale any book that appears attractive to the public. So I chose to self-publish so as to avoid falling victim of their greed.

Paul:  Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
Yiro:  I wanted to play music and be a superstar. I was afraid of failure though. So I studied the works of the most successful artists of the genre that I like the most in other to get it right. For some reasons I could not play even after studying these artists and building my confidence on how music is made. I however noticed that other young men and women who want to go into music do not take time to study successful artists like I did leading to the difficulties they face towards making professionally-sounding music. An idea crossed my mind that rather than allow the stuff in my mind to waste away, I could share it with these persons and have my first book. That is how the idea came. I didn’t want to enrich the cemetery like some guys who died with their ideas did.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?
Yiro:  I give the book I wrote to someone to edit. Sometimes however one still sees errors. They could be due to my tampering with what has been edited when better ways of putting messages across come passing through my mind.

Paul:  Do you have to do much research for your stories?
Yiro:  The book that I wrote involved critically listening to the artists whose work I studied. I studied the first artist to confirm my suspicions on how certain things ought to be done. Then studied many more to further make sure that what I saw in the first was not a mere coincidence. I believe that this is research even though I was not writing anything down. I was however writing them in my mind though.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it
Yiro:  How to Become a Music Maestro was my first and last book. So it remains my recent book for now.

Paul:  Do you enter competitions? Are there any you could recommend?
Yiro:  I tried to enter a competition with my poem, The Boys and the Leaves. Initially they said it was free but as I continued to the subsequent stages of sending my entry, I reached that point where they requested for $3. I needed a credit card and I did not have any at the time.

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for your ‘brand’?
Yiro:  I have paid an organization for marketing but there is a long story on waiting until the first quarter of the year when people buy books. I have also paid an orgamoization to send traffic to my website. They are currently doing that. This is in addition to article syndication that I get involved in with Ezineartcles for which they send traffic to my site in return.

Paul:  What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
Yiro:  Get online to read, play music and travel if I have the money to do so.

Paul:  That was great, Yiro. I wish you  every success for the future.

About Yiro Abari: Yiro was born a Scorpio, in Jos Nigeria. He found a weekly publication known as Lagos Weekend and fall in love with it. It was the first material that revealed the beauty of information sharing to him and also inspired him. He started making manuscript copies of the most interesting topics from the publication and pasting them on his school’s notice board. Many years later, his own writings started appearing on another publication, The Nigerian Standard. He is currently the author of How to Become a Music Maestro: a handbook for intending music artists and owns a number of publications online

Yiro's Blog: Nightingale
Yiro on Twitter: @abarihigh
Yiro on Facebook: Yiro Abari
Yiro's latest book: How To Become A Music Maestro (Amazon)

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's My Birthday!

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me!

Another year has passed, and this one is becoming a watershed year. I've written approximately 230,000 words for novels this year, and I'm on track to complete 400,000 by the end of 2013. My most prolific year to date was in 2011, when I wrote just over 250,000 words.

If you've been following my blog, you've seen its evolution since I first started writing it in February 2011. Now, two and a half years later, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I'm looking forward to even bigger and better times ahead.

So, as a special birthday treat, you can use coupon code HZ76U at Smashwords, to pick up a copy of my dystopian sci-fi thriller, NotDone, for FREE. The coupon expires on August 31st, so get your copy while you can! Book two in the series, UnDone, launches on September 11th.

Oh, and as an Indie Author, if you download my book and read it, please consider giving me a review of it.

Happy Birthday!

Title:              NotDone
Genre:           Dystopian Fiction
Word Count:   42,000
Launch:          June 2013

…Please Help Us
….Everything is NotDone. 

In a desolate country ravaged by years of war, the dwindling inhabitants of Ameiza live in a segregated society where fertility has its special privileges. But for the lesser citizens of Talbot City, draconian rule means persecution or even death. Can five subjugated workers break free from the autocracy and fashion a better existence? Or will the politics of families from ages past stand in the way of unity and freedom?

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Monday, August 26, 2013

You Don't Have To Own A Kindle To Read Ebooks

Ebooks have been around for several years now. And so have Kindles. But, one of the things I hear time and time again when I tell people all my books are available as ebooks, is that they don't have a kindle.

People, I'll tell you right here and now: YOU DON'T NEED A KINDLE TO READ AN EBOOK!!

Ebooks can be read on the following devices for FREE:

1/ Smartphones (includes Android and iPhones)
2/ Tablets (including iPads)
3/ Laptops
4/ PCs (both PCs and Macs)

And when I say for FREE, I mean by that the app to read the ebooks is free. The price of actual ebooks may vary.

If you have never tried reading a book on one of these devices, you should give it a go. Download your favorite ebook reader (mine is the kindle app by Amazon), and then get an ebook. It's really simple. I own hundreds of kindle books, and I can fit my entire library on my smartphone. Try doing that with regular books.

Anyway, enough said. If you're looking to try it out, head over HERE for your free kindle app, and then HERE for your free ebook to read (and, yes, of course it's one of my books!).

Have a wonderful day!

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Writing Update: 08/25/13

As a writing week, it's been a mixed bag. I'm tired, and my body says it's time for a vacation! So, I've missed a couple of days of writing. But, what I did write was good stuff. I've still managed to write a respectable 11,000 words, so I guess I can't complain too loudly. There are always small setbacks along the path to success!

On other fronts, I have received all my feedback for UnDone, and next week I will be performing final edits on the novella, ready for release in September. I've also been busy performing first edits to Ryann's Brother. I'm really excited about this novel, and love where it's heading.

At 52,000 words into Xannu - The Mayhem, the novel is coming into shape. It's a good feeling.

See you next week.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Author Interview: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak

Today I am pleased to present to you all the 90th in a series of Author Interviews. Recently I sat down with the Renoir-loving flutist, Janett Lee Wawrzyniak, and our conversation went something like this:

Paul: I like to start my interviews by asking if you have any writing rituals?
Janett:  A strategy that works for me is writing early in the morning. When writing a novel my writing is directly on my computer. My hand written notebook of research helps keep the flow of dialogue and narrative. I do make separate interest notes that may be included in my notebook. I use the snowflake method for organizing some writing material.

Paul:  What types of books do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors? Why?
Janett:  My personal library has most genres including classics, with more in the diverse range of the thriller genre. Author: David Baldacci is one of my favorite science thriller authors. His books have interesting characters with emotional reaction, and a strong plot with research done. 

Paul:  If someone had the power to step into your creative mind what would they see?
Janett:  Looking into my creativity viewers would see branching planning maps to my goals. These maps are not necessarily written in stone. My ideas are written with desire, to perfectly interconnect in the finished work with the highest quality possible.

Paul:  How do you find the time to write?
Janett:  By scheduling regular writing time every week, in three hour time blocks at least four times a week, I write to completion. With the interest I have in my writing, I always find extra time to develop any needed areas.

Paul:  What is one thing you hope I do not tell the readers?
Janett:  Some simply don’t want to read but there is always time to read. I hope you will tell readers everything. Readers like rules.

Paul:  Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run with it?
Janett:  With my research I plot first. Then develop the character arc within the right structure, they depend on each other with narrative flow. Narrative flow enhances transitions with excitement and reactions.

Paul:  Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?
Janett:  My writing is more fully formed. My personal editing checks are done in block reviews for each chapter.

Paul:  Do you have to do much research for your stories?
Janett:  Most of my research is at hand in my files and some in notebooks. There are always possible interesting technology updates to research.

Paul:  What is your most recent book? Tell us a little about it
Janett:  Secret Terror In Wavelengths – Wave Links, a science thriller book with crime, suspense, action and adventure. Someone’s targeted earth’s population with a kill list and there is a loss of safety in the USA. Citizens are being crushed by business scientists, transitioning into another wavelength. What does that mean for people organized today?  That’s the kind of power leading Secret Terror. Will an early retired Navy Seal and Veterans, initiate wavelength tracking and blocking in time?  Brave Law Enforcement and Agencies battle for life in area raids; will they hear technology turns the war to their advantage?

Paul:  How much marketing do you do for your published works or for your ‘brand’?
Janett:  All of my internet sites have links for purchase. My writer’s platform includes free writing instruction at Writer’s Craft In Fiction Other links have up to date information for writing needs, with the most pertinent from the first page on search engines. Continual book awareness promotion is key in marketing. My sites will remain in place unless there are technical difficulties.

Paul:  What’s your favorite / least favorite aspect of your writing life? Has anything surprised you?
Janett:  I enjoy all aspects of writing and look forward to my time spent in writing. My favorite is developing great characters to follow that feel three-dimensional and real. I don’t have a least favorite aspect of writing. Nothing has surprised me to this time in my writing life.

Paul:  What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have any hobbies or party tricks?
Janett:  I oil paint in the style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir who was a French artist and contributed to the development of the Impressionist style. I enjoy my flower garden of roses, red and white with various short red flowers under them. My roses grow within an inviting garden of tall ferns and trees. I have a background in music and currently play a flute the (dizi, soprano.) I do have other hobbies.

Paul:  Thank, Janett, that was great. I wish you every success for the future.

About Janett Lee Wawrzyniak: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak has over 14 years of working expertise as Training director/instructor in technical operations/systems, research and development with University in military employ. With additional skills in Team Leadership, System Administration, Technology, Library Research, Internal Investigations, Creative Writing, Technical Writing, Resume Writing, Astrophysics, Blueprint Reading, Military Operations, Ethical Leadership, Operations Management. Has an Associate Author Membership with International Thriller Writers, ITW. Her site, Writer's Craft In Fiction helps with research and development in writing. She can be visited at other sites. Born and raised in California she currently lives in the Pacific Northwest Area with her Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Strada Fuhrs) and Quaker Parrot (June Feathers).

Janett's Blog: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak
Janett on Twitter: @wawrzyniak9
Janett on Facebook: Janett Lee Wawrzyniak
Janett's latest book: Secret Terror: In Wavelengths - Wave Links (Amazon)

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Colors Of Sir Dan - A Poem

Time for a change! Here's a little poem I knocked out... Enjoy!

The Colors Of Sir Dan
By: Paul Dorset

Sir Dan was a bitter young fellow,
Who, when he got angry, would bellow.
But instead of a fight, he’d turn and take flight.
Sir Dan, as a color, is yellow.

Sir Dan was so sotted in drink,
He dressed without stopping to think.
His shirts were all floral, his trousers pastoral.
Sir Dan, as a color, is pink.

Sir Dan preferred cocaine to crack,
His drug habits were easy to track.
All day ’twas the rumor, he’d be in dark humor.
Sir Dan, as a color, is black.

Sir Dan was a mess, that was true,
But he pondered about all he knew.
For all that he guessed, he got stressed and depressed.
Sir Dan, as a color, is blue.

Sir Dan was a loser, all told,
But his spirits, if nothing, were bold.
When not in the bars, he dreamed of the stars.
Sir Dan, as a color, is gold

’Twas a mystery how Dan was made knight,
Living a life that was wrong, and not right.
But brighter or duller, his life was all color.
Sir Dan, as a color, is white.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7 Tips I Have Learned About Connecting with My Purpose for Writing My Memoir

Today I am pleased to publish my 14th guest blog post. You too can have a post published on my blog. Just read the guidelines HERE. In the meantime, enjoy...

7 Tips I Have Learned About Connecting with My Purpose for Writing My Memoir
By: Kathleen Pooler

“Say what you have to say, not what you ought to.” Henry David Thoreau

Memoir is a slice of life told as a story. It has a transformative power for both the writer and the reader. I want to invite my reader into my experience in a way that connects them with their own experiences.

In order to do that, I have to connect with my own purpose for writing my story.

Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone feels the need to write about it. Or maybe they don’t feel they have a story worth telling.

I think it starts with believing we have a story to tell.
Like many others, although I have felt for years I have a book inside me, I did not become clear on my intention for writing it until I found my story.

I had to write my way to my purpose… many years of journaling, four years of taking writing classes, writing vignettes, going to conferences and hours of pondering and shooing away my inner critic.

The story that begged to be told revealed itself to me over time and through many hours of doubts and detours.
I’d put it aside for weeks at a time, then feel the nudge to revisit it, each time digging a little deeper. The story was always with me.

Through two rounds of professional developmental edits and two rounds of beta readers, my story is being shaped and polished before sending it to a copy editor.

It’s kind of like cleaning the house in preparation for the cleaning lady.

Through it all, I can say, I have connected to my purpose for writing.

Once I became clear on why I wanted to write my story, I was able to develop a deep connection to it. Consequently it has guided me in my writing.

If I am clear, the reader will be clear. I can dig deeper and speak from deep within.

Connecting with my story, the only one I can tell, allows me to believe I have a story to tell.

Here are 7 tips I have learned about connecting to my purpose:

1. I have to find ways to get past my inner critic. You know, the one who says:

·         What makes you think anyone will want to read your story?
·         Your story isn’t unique.
·         You can’t write that well anyway.
·         Who cares?

I had to put my inner critic in her place. Her name is Gertrude. Here’s how I did it by writing out a dialogue with her

2. I need to show up and write on a schedule.
Sometimes just the act of writing words unlocks the creative juices:
·         Free write- helps when I’m stuck.  Writing words even if they don’t make sense.
·         Journal- writing thoughts, feelings, and reactions helps me to clarify and focus.

3. I need to trust in the process.
Sometimes when I start to write, I have no idea how the story will unfold. I may start in the middle and if I let the writing flow, I eventually find the beginning and end.
After I show up, I need to get out the way of the story and let the words flow. I can go back and change later.

4. Connecting with my purpose helped me to identify the main themes of my story.
When I connected with the purpose for writing and found the heart of my story, I was able to identify the themes to shape my story around.
This made it easier to stay true to the themes, which became the foundation for the story structure.

5. Taking time to pause and think has helped me be clear on my purpose.
This has helped me to tap into memories and make connections about their meaning from my adult perspective. Sometimes my best ideas flow when I take time to walk in the garden or sit in church.
As writers know, we really are working when we’re staring out the window.

6. I need to keep my overall purpose in mind as I revise.
If I am clear on my main message and the audience I am targeting, I can approach suggestions from editors and beta readers with a sense of purpose, staying true to my story while remaining open to constructive feedback.

7. Connecting with my purpose for writing has been my guiding light and is helping me get to the finish line:
I am taking the time to write it right because I do believe that I have a story to tell and that I am the only one who can tell it.

How about you? Do you feel connecting with your purpose for writing has helped guide you?

About Kathleen Pooler: Kathleen Pooler is a writer and a retired Family Nurse Practitioner who is working on a memoir and a sequel about how the power of hope through her faith in God has helped her to transform, heal and transcend life’s obstacles and disappointments:  domestic abuse, divorce, single parenting, loving and letting go of an alcoholic son, cancer and heart failure to live a life of joy and contentment. She believes that hope matters and that we are all strengthened and enlightened when we share our stories.

She blogs weekly at her Memoir Writer’s Journey blog: and can be found on Twitter @kathypooler and on LinkedIn, Google+, Goodreads and Facebook: Kathleen Pooler

One of her stories “The Stone on the Shore” is published in the anthology: “The Woman I’ve Become: 37 Women Share Their Journeys From Toxic Relationships to Self-Empowerment” by Pat LaPointe, 2012.

Another story: “Choices and Chances” is published in the mini-anthology: “My Gutsy Story” by Sonia Marsh, 2012.

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