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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

FREE Ebook - Act Immediately!

Would you like one of my books completely free? Of course you would. All you have to do is to sign up for my newsletter (opposite or below) and when you receive this month's copy (June 2012) you will receive an exclusive coupon to download one of my books for FREE!

Every month in my newsletter there are exclusive articles and offers, so what are you waiting for? Now is your chance. Don't delay, the newsletter goes out on June 1st and if you're not on the distribution list then you'll be too late. Also in this month's newsletter is the final part of my online novella, Ryann, another newsletter exclusive.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Being An Indie Author Makes Me Want To Scream

How about you? Do you want to scream sometimes?

So why do I say I want to scream? Well it's just that sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything. Actually it's not sometimes, it's every day. And I'm weary. Very weary. This last year has been a non-stop roller-coaster of emotions, and hard work. I've released countless books, written more, reviewed several, blogged to excess, twittered myself to death, and I wish I could do something about my marketing.

It's still not good enough. I'm still not good enough. I want to outsource it, and I've even tried, but so many people out there who say they can market are merely reprobates and con-artists. Am I being harsh and unfair? I don't think so. I'm not a young and gullible person. I am a mature and well-seasoned business executive. I have worked hard to get to where I am today. And yet...

Wow, that was a nice little rant and I should feel a little better for it. I just wish it actually changed something. But it doesn't. My marketing techniques and efforts have still been found wanting. I need to take a new direction, but I don't know exactly what. Maybe if I have a complete break this Memorial Weekend, I'll look at things differently on Tuesday. I hope so. Because next week I've got another new book to plan and so the non-stop Indie Author process continues...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Infographic: Apple By The Numbers

This makes fairly staggering reading:

Original Infographic by Mashable

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Scrivener #7 - My First Manuscript Using Scrivener

This is the seventh in a series of blog posts based on my experience with Scrivener - A Swiss Army Knife of a tool for writers. The complete series can be found HERE.

If you've been following along on my blog recently you may have been reading my day-by-day experiences writing a novel from scratch using Scrivener. The novella experience is focused on my writing output but not the actual use of Scrivener. This post talks a little about that experience.

First of all I want to say right out of the gate that I REALLY LOVE SCRIVENER! Just so we're all clear about that. I will also add I have no connection to their company, I paid for my own version of the software, and I have received nothing from them for endorsing their product.

Ryann is the first novel (technically a novella as it's only about 30,000 words) I have written exclusively using Scrivener rather than Word. In previous posts I wrote how I used Scrivener to create all my scenes and character notes. I also used Scrivener to organize the scenes into chapters, etc. This post is about the actual manuscript writing experience.

One of the big differences I discovered between writing in Word and writing in Scrivener is that it is so much easier to find pieces of the novel I want to refer back to while I am writing. Do you know what I mean? Did I say the door opened inward or outward? Did the bed have a headboard? Having two panes open on my screen and quickly looking through the scene descriptions to find the place where I wrote about the thing previously, I can bring up two scenes together and check my facts as I write. In Word I would have had to scroll up and down my document and generally lose my place and many valuable minutes of writing. I can also pull up character or place descriptions in a second pane as I type. I can make notes about future ideas as I type. I can... You get the picture.

But what about the actual writing; is that any easier? Simply put, yes! And the reason is that all my notes for a scene are automatically available to me as I write. I don't have to go anywhere to look them up. I know I'm writing 300 words about a particular thing and I also know what the sub-elements are in those 300 words. It's like joining the dots. Then, as often happens, if my 300 words turn into 500 words (or even only 200 words), I can make a decision. Do I keep what I have, do I move something else to be a little later, do I skip something I was thinking about writing? There are all sorts of possibilities. The point is that my 900 words per day target (3 scenes / plot points) somehow just happened. Effortlessly. It's never been that way before. I also learned something else about my writing as I used Scrivener. During previous novels I have been using a guide of 500-600 words as my target for each scene / plot point. I have discovered that 300-350 works better for me. Who'd have known that! It's a very interesting discovery seeing as I've already written over 500,000 words during previous novels. My next novel is going to have more scenes and use the 350 word guideline.

I'm also writing my words quicker using Scrivener. Having everything available to me and knowing exactly what I am supposed to be writing about has helped me improve my words per hour speed. We all live very busy lives and being able to knock off 10 or 20 minutes from our writing time and still produce the same quantity (but better quality) is a great bonus.

And finally the biggest difference has been in the level of detail in my plotting. Because each scene / plot point  is an index card and not just a one line sentence (as I have been using in Word), I find it really easy to expand on my notes for a scene and even cut and paste things from one scene into another. As I write, ideas hit me and I never have to lose more than a few seconds in capturing the idea and putting it somewhere for later use. That's not so easy 20,000 words into a Word document. And talking of Word documents, have you ever tried to scroll up and down an 80,000 word manuscript? I have and it's not pleasant. But because Scrivener allows me to split everything up into scenes, I never have to scroll through anything more than the index card list. This is a very quick process.

Okay, so I've rambled on for a while in this post, but I wanted to get the main points down while they were still fresh in my head. Next time I'll write a little more about specific hints and tips, but until then if you haven't already tried it, download a copy of Scrivener. You can use it free for thirty days. It will be a decision you will not regret!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Writing Experiment #31 - Ryann Manuscript Part 28

This is number thirty-one in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - COMPLETE
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 19th
Progress: Day 28 complete. Following is the day's writing...


Alas, I have not pasted the final part of the manuscript to my blog. What? How dare I ruin everyone's fun?

But - you can still get a hold of it. All you need do is to sign up for my monthly newsletter (see below or opposite). In the next edition I will be sending the link to the final part of the manuscript. Can't wait? Then please just send an email to and I will add you to my newsletter distribution AND send you the link IMMEDIATELY. How about that?

Stay tuned for the manuscript edits that are due in a month's time. And finally, THANK YOU all so much for indulging me!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Writing Experiment #30 - Ryann Manuscript Part 27

This is number thirty in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 18th
Progress: Day 27 complete. Following is the day's writing...



“Remember, take your time and plan your attacks. Let him come to you. Let him tire himself out first.” The old man shouted instruction to Ryann as they exchanged lunges in the crisp morning air.
“I will,” said Ryann. She pushed a little of her long hair back from her eyes and turned to face the old man again. “And you think I will beat him?”
The old man smiled. “Trust to destiny, Ryann. That is all you can do. But one thing is for certain, you are fitter than he and you must use that to your advantage. Let him tire. Take your time.”
Ryann easily parried the old man’s attack and she turned to face another. She stopped when she saw he was walking away from her. “We are finished?” she asked.
The old man lifted a hand and beckoned to her. “Come.” Ryann followed the old man through the courtyard and into an area she had never been to before. “Captain?” the old man called out.
Ryann looked across to where the old man was shouting and watched as a middle-aged man appeared; one of the Lord’s guards. Ryann stopped and stood watching him.
“Come, come,” the old man repeated.
Ryann crossed over to the man and waited while the captain of the guard walked toward them. As he approached her he drew his sword. Ryann took a step back.
The captain turned the sword in his hand and offered it to her. “Try this, little one.”
Ryann hesitantly took the sword, nearly dropping it as she bore the full weight in her hands. “It’s so heavy.”
The old man smiled. “Yes, I wanted you to know just what a real sword feels like. I don’t want you to make the same mistake that Kieran made.”
Ryann took a few steps to one side and swung the sword through the air. Kieran. Yes, she had to beat Bramwel for Kieran’s sake. She had to take her revenge for him. “But it has balance,” she said, smiling at the captain. “Great balance.”
The old man extended his hands to Ryann. “Remember all I have taught you, Ryann. You will only ever get this one chance.”
Ryann laid the sword across the old man’s palms. “I will,” she whispered.

* * *

“Is that all you have to say?” Lord Cala asked, standing in front of the man.
“It was an honest mistake, sire. I meant no harm in it.”
“Indeed? You want me to believe that you told my son stories of his mother, thinking that he would say nothing about it? I cannot believe that of you, Grubb.”
Grubb turned away from Lord Cala and muttered something under his breath.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, sire. It was he that sought me out. He came to see if I could help him with potions and the like. I was only trying to raise his spirits about his mother.”
Lord Cala reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial. “And this?”
“Just something for the boy to use.”
“What is it, Grubb?”
“Nothing of importance, sire. I promise. I just wanted to gain favor with the boy.”
Lord Cala walked across the room and poured some water into a cup. Then he emptied half of the vial into the water and stirred it with a stick. He picked up the cup and offered it to the old man. “Drink this.”
Grubb took a step back. “Thank you Lord Cala, but I am not in need of a drink.”
“Drink it,” Lord Cala repeated, taking a step closer to Grubb.
“It is a poison, a sleeping potion, sire” Grubb stammered.
Lord Cala smiled. “Drink it.” He placed the cup into Grubb’s hand and watched as the old man lifted it to his mouth. “Swallow.” Grubb swallowed the water down and dropped the cup to the floor. Lord Cala didn’t move his eyes from Grubb as the cup smashed into several pieces at his feet. “No one crosses me in my own castle, Grubb.”
Grubb’s hands went to his throat and he made a gurgling sound just before he dropped, lifeless, to the ground.
“No one,” Lord Cala repeated, walking toward the door, leaving the man where he had fallen.

* * *

“Let’s get started,” Bramwel said, pacing up and down the courtyard. “What are we waiting for, anyway?” He looked across at Ryann, who was standing about ten paces from him. She was dressed in a dark red tunic and wore black pants underneath. Her hair was tied back behind her neck and a black belt hung at her waist. He had never seen her looking like this before. Still it didn’t matter; at least she would look pretty when she died. He smiled.
“I’ll let you win,” Ryann whispered to him as she crossed near. “If you tell me about my brother.”
Bramwel spat on the ground next to Ryann’s feet. “You? Let me win? Don’t be so stupid, girl. You will never beat me.”
“I’m giving you a chance,” she whispered again.
Bramwel leaned in close to her face. “Your brother can burn in hell for all I care, Ryann. And that’s exactly where you’re going too.” He took a step back and turned to walk back to the table where the swords were laid out. “Father, can we begin yet?”
Lord Cala looked around the courtyard at the gathered crowd and nodded to his son. “Take your weapons.” He waited while Bramwel and Ryann picked up their swords and had moved away from each other. “And remember, no stabbing to the body.” He turned toward Bramwel. “I want a clean fight.” He waited for a nod of assent from his son before turning back to face the crowd. “Let the duel begin.”
Bramwel raised his sword and turned to face Ryann. He let a smile wash over his face. This was going to be so easy. Just one cut. That was all he needed. One cut and the girl would lose all sense. Then one wrong move and she would be another dead sclava. “Prepare to fight!” he shouted, running full-speed at Ryann, with his outstretched sword in front of him.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Writing Experiment #29 - Ryann Manuscript Part 26

This is number twenty-nine in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 17th
Progress: Day 26 complete. Following is the day's writing (Chapter Thirteen continued)...


Bramwel ran toward his bedroom door with his whip in his hand. By the time he reached it, Ryann had gone. He half-considered chasing after her, but in the end he just returned to his room. He put the whip down on the table and walked over to the bed to examine his toy horse more closely. A tear ran down his face. There was no doubt it was completely broken.
He pieced the largest of the parts together and laid them down on his bed. This was the last memory he had of his mother. The last thing of her he had clung on to. Now what was he going to do? He wiped his face and walked over to the window. Damn that girl. When she returned, whenever she returned, he was going to beat her close to death. He didn’t even care what his father said. Yes, it was probably best not to mention the horse to him. He would only guess Bramwel’s intent. A sly smile crept onto his face. Yes, a good beating would be appropriate in this case.
Bramwel turned away from the window and stared back at his bed. But maybe there was another way. After all, she had wanted to fight him in a duel. A silly girl, wanting to fight in a duel. Perhaps this was a better opportunity. Of course it was. He walked to the bed, picked up the pieces of the toy horse and hurried out of his room.

“Father,” Bramwel half-shouted, rushing into the large sitting room.
Lord Cala looked up from his book. “Bram?”
“It’s my horse, father. She’s broken it.” He laid the pieces down on his father’s lap and let a tear drop from his eye.
Lord Cala picked up a piece of the horse and examined it. “She?”
“Ryann. She did it. She threw it against the bedroom wall. I saw her.”
“And why did she do that, Bram? What did you do to her?”
“Nothing. She just hates me, that’s all.” He picked up a piece of the horse and held it up. “This is the only memory I had of mother. And now even that is broken. Can it be fixed?”
Lord Cala shook his head. “I don’t think so, Bram. But I can get another made for you if you would like.”
“I don’t want another one. I wanted the one mother gave me. I miss her.” Bramwel took a step backward. “What happened to her, father?”
“You know what happened, Bram. She died. Suddenly.” He looked away from his son.
“Grubb says she just disappeared and she’s not dead.”
Lord Cala turned his head back toward Bramwel. “He said what?”
Bramwel swallowed. “He said she’s not dead. He said she just disappeared one day, but she certainly isn’t dead. What happened to her, father?”
Lord Cala sat in silence for a minute, with Bramwel waiting for him to speak. “It’s true, Bram. She isn’t dead. She ran away. I didn’t want you to know that. It has already broken my heart and I thought it would be easier to tell you she had died.”
“Where did she go?”
“I don’t know. She ran off in the middle of the night with Kenrik.”
“The freed sclava that you fought?” Bramwel’s mind was suddenly working overtime.
“Yes. How do you know about him?”
“One of guards mentioned him to me when I asked about the tapestries.”
Lord Cala’s face reddened. “You have been sneaking around in places that are hidden away? What else haven’t you been telling me, Bramwel?”
Bramwel took another step back in case his father decided to hit him. “Nothing, father. I was only trying to find out about your battles. I found a tapestry that had a picture of you on a white horse. It was just like my toy one. That was all. The guard told me the story of the battle and mentioned Kenrik.”
“Kenrik was my most trusted sclava. I didn’t find out until just before he left that your mother had, had, had affections for him. She had that damn toy horse made for me, but when I found out about the two of them I made her give it to you. I never even realized he would come back for her and take her away from me.” Lord Cala threw the piece of the toy horse down on the ground. “Now it’s all gone. Everything. Now it’s just you and me, Bram.”
Bramwel stared at the piece of wood on the floor. “So can I fight her, father?”
“Ryann. Can I fight her in a duel? She challenged me.”
Lord Cala slowly nodded his head. “I suppose so, Bram. Just one more sclava who needs to be taught a lesson.”

Bramwel bent down to pick up the piece of his horse and then retrieved the other one from his father’s lap. He smiled at his father and hurried from the room before his father could change his mind.
At last he was going to get to beat Ryann in a fair fight. Well, fair by name anyway. He still had some of the potion-maker’s poison in his room and that would certainly help tip the scales. He probably didn’t really need it. After all, Ryann was just a skinny little girl. “Skinny?” He stopped dead in his tracks. Didn’t she used to be fat? Well, at least a little dumpy. He shook his head. It was probably the sclava rations. They all look a little skinny. Except cook, but she had always been huge. Either way, a little poison would help.
Bramwel continued walking toward his room. Of course he would try not to kill the girl. He laughed out loud to himself. But for some reason or other he just seemed to keep accidentally killing the sclavas.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Writing Experiment #28 - Ryann Manuscript Part 25

This is number twenty-eight in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 16th
Progress: Day 25 complete. Following is the day's writing...



Ryann sat on her bed and idly picked a few pieces of straw from her clothes. What was she going to do? Bramwel wasn’t going to fight her. All he did was laugh at her. It wasn’t fair. She looked up at the wall and counted the marks. “Sixty-one,” she said out loud. Just three silver coins. It would take forever to buy her freedom. No, the only way was to fight him. But how? He would never take her seriously. Like he said, she was just a girl. Just a girl. “But this girl can fight,” she said under her breath. “Just give me the chance.”
She got to her feet and made her way along the corridor and out through the kitchen, into the gardens. Once outside she headed off in a trot along the path until she came to the gap in the hedges. She stopped, but the old man was nowhere to be seen today. She hadn’t really seen him since her last lesson. So she set off running, content to be exercising. She needed a plan. She needed to convince Bramwel to fight her. She stopped and leaned against the castle wall. Maybe she could speak to Lord Cala; he seemed nice enough toward her. She smiled. Yes, perhaps that was what she would do. If she just explained how mean Bramwel was then he would understand.
With a new sense of determination Ryann set off running once more, trying to complete another complete lap of the castle walls. When she was done she collapsed against the kitchen door and breathed deeply. She was soaked through to the skin from sweat, but she felt good. Very good. She pushed the door to the kitchen open and stepped inside.

“My, you look worn out,” said cook, looking across at Ryann from beside the stove. “Come sit yourself down.” She wiped her hands on her apron and took a few steps toward Ryann.
“I’m fine, cook. I’ve just been running, that’s all. I needed to clear my head. Running helps me think straight.” Ryann took a seat at the kitchen table and poured herself a glass of water from a pitcher.
“Just look at you. And we’ve just bought you new clothes. You’re going to need new ones all over again.” Cook reached out a hand and pulled Ryann to her feet. “All skin and bones. There’s nothing of you. We need to feed you up a little.” She pulled at Ryann’s dress and made a tutting sound. “Just hangs off you. No good at all.”
Ryann smiled and pulled away from cook. “I’m fine, cook. I’m fine. I’ve been eating more than enough food. It’s all the running and exercising I’ve been doing. That’s what’s made me skinny.” She gulped down her water and put the empty glass down on the table. “See?” Ryann pulled the rope tighter around her dress and smiled again. “It’ll fit a little longer. I don’t want to have to buy any more clothes.”
Cook shook her head. “Maybe you’re right there, little one. Perhaps someone can just alter it a little for you. I’ll ask the housekeeper.” She turned back toward the stove once more. “And you had better get to the master’s room and tidy it up before dinner.”
“Yes, cook,” Ryann replied, already dreading the rest of the evening.

Ryann breathed a sigh of relief as she entered Bramwel’s room. It was empty; although it wasn’t exactly tidy. How he could make such a mess of the room every single day was beyond her. She bent down and picked up two books that were lying on the floor. As she stood up she noticed his horse. The white toy horse that had been hidden out of view, under Bramwel’s table. She put the books down and reached out to pick it up. She brought the horse up toward her face to examine it and turned it over in her hands.
It was certainly a well made piece. Hours had been spent carving the details into it. It looked quite old, as though from constant use. Of course, that was all Bramwel ever thought about; his damn toy horse. She turned around and threw it as hard as she could toward the far wall. It hit the wall with force and splintered, sending pieces to the ground. She smiled.
“What are you doing?” Bramwel shouted, stepping into the room and following Ryann’s gaze across the room. “What has happened?”
Ryann stood speechless as Bramwel ran across the room and gathered up the three main pieces of what had been his beautiful white toy horse.
Bramwel turned to face Ryann again, holding out the broken horse in his hands. “What have you done?”
He looked almost ready to cry. Ryann could see a tear welling up in his eye and she wanted to smile. She wanted to laugh. But instead she looked down toward the floor, trying to control herself. “It was an accident, master.”
Bramwel walked over to his bed and dropped the pieces onto it. “This was no accident. You have gone too far this time, Ryann.”
Ryann looked up again and saw the redness in Bramwel’s face and the look of anger that covered it. She knew he would grab his whip. There wasn’t much time. What should she do? There was only one thing; to get out. She turned and ran from Bramwel’s room as fast as she could. She ran through the corridors. She ran through the kitchen. She pulled open the door to the gardens and she ran down the path. Bramwel was not going to use his whip on her. Never again. At last she stopped running and bent down to catch her breath. She allowed herself a smile. “And he will never play with his toy horse again either,” she said.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Writing Experiment #27 - Ryann Manuscript Part 24

This is number twenty-seven in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written and edited.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - June 19 to June 23
  • Reader Proofs - June 24 to July 14
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 15 to July 19


Today's Date: May 15th
Progress: Day 24 complete. Following is the day's writing (Chapter Twelve continued)...


The past couple of weeks had flown by without Ryann really noticing. She had spent every free moment practicing her sword-fighting with the old man. Now she could easily beat him. She knew exactly how he would twist or turn. She knew what moves he would make. She also knew he was going to have to try something different very soon. She smiled as she put on the tunic she now wore when she was fighting, and she made her way out to meet him again.
“Are you ready for your next lesson?” the old man asked, stepping out to greet her.
Ryann smiled. “I am ready.”
The old man pulled a black cloth from his belt and put it around Ryann’s head, covering her eyes. She felt it tighten around the back of her head. “Can you see?” he asked.
Ryann shook her head. “No.” She heard the old man laugh.
“Then we are ready.” Ryann felt the hilt of the wooden sword pressed into her hand and she grabbed it and took her guard. “You have to fight me without your sight today,” he continued. “Use your ears and your instinct.” Ryann screamed out in pain as she felt a painful jab to her right arm. “Concentrate!”
Ryann took her guard once more and tilted her head slightly to try and hear where the old man was standing. She could hear his breathing to her left and she adjusted her stance and listened again. She herd the swish of the blade in the air but it was too late and again she screamed in pain as the sword banged the side of her head. She turned and followed its movement, thrusting at what she hoped was the old man. She heard him laugh once more and she pivoted on her feet. She shut her eyes tight and concentrated on the air around her. She heard the slightest of movements and lunged forward, meeting the old man’s sword with hers. Then her training kicked in. She instinctively knew what he would do and so she bent down and rolled to her left. Then she was back on her feet and moving toward her unseen target. She slashed her sword to her left and then to her right, catching the old man in the stomach. She heard him cry out and adjusted her next lunge slightly so that the sword caught him squarely in the side of his neck.
“Well done,” the old man said. “You can rest now.”
Ryann heard the loud breaths come close to her once more and blinked as her blindfold was removed. “Are you alright?” she asked, noticing the old man holding a bloodied cloth to his neck.
“I’m fine. You attacked me with abandon. It caught me quite by surprise.”
“I just followed my instincts. Like you told me.”
“Yes you did. And when the time comes for you to fight, you must do the same. Do not hesitate, but instead follow your instincts.” The old man held out his hand.
“What do you want?”
“Your sword, Ryann. We are finished. There is nothing more I can teach you.”
Reluctantly she handed over her sword to the old man and watched as he turned to go, still pressing the cloth to his neck. “What do I do now?” she shouted after him.
He turned briefly before continuing. “You know what you need to do, Ryann. You know.”

Ryann returned to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. She knew what to do? That was what the old man had told her. But she didn’t know. She didn’t know at all. She pulled out the band that was tying her hair back and gently tugged at her hair so that it flowed freely once more. And why had the old man made her fight blindfolded today? Trust your instincts, he had said. She smiled. Well that hadn’t been too difficult; she knew exactly what the old man would do.
She stood up and changed out of her tunic and into her cleaning dress. It hung off her and she tied a piece of rope around her stomach to make it more respectable. She smiled and hummed a little tune to herself. At last she was thin again and stronger too. She could easily lift the tables and chairs in Bramwel’s room. And in the sitting room too. Maybe she was even strong enough to fight Bramwel if he tried to hit her. But she daren’t. No, but she would like to. Just once.

“Hurry up,” cook shouted to Ryann, as she walked past her bedroom. “Master Bramwel is waiting for his dinner.”
Ryann looked up and stopped her humming. “Yes cook.”
“And he wants it in his room tonight. So hurry up.” She held out the tray she was carrying for Ryann to take. “And come straight back. There’s some extra kitchen chores this evening.”
Ryann took the tray of food and hurried off toward Bramwel’s room. She pushed open the door and went inside. Bramwel was sitting at his table, reading a book, with his toy horse propped up by the side of it. “Your dinner, master.”
“Over here,” Bramwel replied, clearing a space next to him and shutting his book. “And why are you so late? I asked for dinner at least an hour ago.”
Ryann put the tray down on the table. “I came as quick as I could, master.”
Bramwel reached out a hand and grabbed Ryann’s arm. “Look at me, girl.” He pulled her roughly toward him until her face was almost pressed up against his. “You are never on time for anything. Don’t you get that? You are always late and always rude to me. Don’t you even respect me?” He shook Ryann’s arm and waited for an answer. “Well?”
Ryann pulled her arm back sharply, twisting it, and forcing Bramwel to let go. She could see the look of shock in his eyes and before she could stop herself she slapped him hard across the face. “You are always rude to me. It has to stop. Your father says you are not to beat me too.” Words were gushing out of her. What was she saying? She could see Bramwel’s face getting redder and redder. He looked almost ready to explode.
“How dare you speak to me like that,” he said, getting to his feet and trying to reach out and grab her again.
Ryann took another couple of quick steps backward. This had to end. She couldn’t keep on working for this nasty brat of a boy. She watched as Bramwel’s hand reached out for his whip. She knew she only had a matter of seconds before he would use it on her again. “I’ll fight you,” she said. “I’ll fight you in a duel. Like Kieran. I want to fight you.”
Ryann watched as Bramwel’s hand loosened on the whip and he dropped it back to the table. “Fight me?” He threw his head back in laughter. “You are a girl. You cannot hope to fight me. Now get out before I whip you. Be thankful I am feeling generous this evening.”
“I want to fight you,” Ryann repeated.
“Get out!” Bramwel shrieked. “Get out before I whip you to death right here and now.”
Ryann turned, fighting back a tear from her eyes, and ran as fast as she could away from his room.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Writing Experiment #26 - Ryann Manuscript Part 23

This is number twenty-six in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series that I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - July 1to July 5
  • Reader Proofs - July 6 to July 25
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 26to July 31


Today's Date: May 14th
Progress: Day 23 complete. Following is the day's writing...


Bramwel climbed the stairs that led to Grubb’s room. The last few days had been tougher than he had expected and he needed to talk to the potion-maker and see how else he could help him. He wiped his brow as he reached the door and then he pushed it open and went inside.
“Young Master Bramwel,” Grubb said, putting a large glass jar down on the table. “And what brings you back again so soon?”
Bramwel walked across the room and stood next to the old man. “I wanted to know what other potions you could provide for me?”
Grubb smiled. “I heard about the young sclava. I didn’t realize you were trying to kill off your servants nowadays.”
“I just wanted to try the poison out and see how it worked. That was all.”
“Yes. I see.” Grubb turned his attention back to the large glass jar and dropped a few herbs into it.
“Will you help me then?” Bramwel asked.
“Why? What is in it for me?”
Bramwel watched as a few wisps of smoke rose up from the jar. “For you? I don’t understand.”
Grubb laughed. “Do you think I do this for your pleasure, Master Bramwel? No, there has to be something in it for me. A reward of some kind? Maybe a coin or two? The poison I gave you was a sample.”
Bramwel took a step back from the smoking jar, coughing a little as he went. “I am sure I could offer you a few copper coins for the right magic.”
Grubb breathed in the smoke and smiled again. “I was hoping for a little more.” He looked across at Bramwel. “Shall we say two silver coins?”
“Are you crazy, old man?” Bramwel said, laughing.
Grubb waited for Bramwel to go quiet again. “I will make it worth your while. A special potion for you and a special piece of information. Information that will help you achieve what is on your mind.”
“You know nothing of what is on my mind, Grubb.”
“You would be surprised.” Grubb closed his eyes and breathed in a little more of the smoke. “You want to have this castle for yourself. I can help you with that.” He held out his hand toward Bramwel.
Bramwel reached into his pocket and slid two silver coins into Grubb’s hand. “This had better be worth it.”
Grubb smiled and beckoned Bramwel closer to him. “Of course, Master Bramwel. Of course.” He waited until Bramwel was standing next to him before he continued. “Your mother. She is not dead, Bramwel.”
Bramwel reached out and tried to take the coins back from Grubb, but the old man closed his hand and secreted them away. “Don’t play me for the fool, Grubb. I know she is dead.”
“No, she is not dead. Perhaps you should ask your father. She just disappeared one day. Gone from the castle. Not dead.” He put up a hand as Bramwel started to speak. “Not dead, Bramwel. Go ask your father.” He smiled. “That was worth two silver coins, was it not? And tomorrow, in your room, you will find a gift from me. Something a little extra. A potion that will aid in sleep. Very long sleep.” He laughed out loud. “Now go. Leave me.”

* * *

“Fifty-five,” Ryann counted. Already the total of copper coins was decreasing. Ever since she had started her fighting lessons with the old man, her savings were getting less and less. Still, it wasn’t all bad. She already felt fitter. She had lost some more weight around her stomach and her arms and legs ached from all the exercise. And today she had even beaten the old man one time in a duel with the wooden swords. Yes, perhaps this would be a good investment after all. She smiled and lay back on her bed, imagining beating Bramwel and gaining her freedom.

“No time for sitting around,” cook said, peeking into Ryann’s room. “You need to take the rest of Bramwel’s clothes back to him.” She crossed over to Ryann’s bed and dropped a small pile of clothes on it. “Hurry now.”
Ryann opened her eyes and sat up. “Yes, cook. I’ll go straight away.” She got to her feet and moaned slightly at the pain in her legs.
“Are you alright?” asked cook.
Ryann smiled. “Just a little tired, that’s all.” She bent down and picked up Bramwel’s clothes and hurried off toward his room.
“About time,” Bramwel said as Ryann appeared. “Have you got my tunic there?”
Ryann put the clothes down on Bramwel’s bed and looked through the pile. She pulled out a dark blue tunic. “This one?”
Bramwel snatched it form her. “Yes this one.” He held it back up to her. “Now help me on with it, will you?”
Ryann tried to avert her eyes as Bramwel stripped off his robe and stood there in his undergarments. Why did he always try and humiliate her? She slipped the tunic over his outstretched arms and over his head, and then took a step back to turn away. Maybe she could back to her room now and get a little more rest.
“What have you done?” Bramwel screamed. Ryann snapped her head around and saw Bramwel rubbing at a mark on the right-hand side. “You have ruined it,” he continued. “How did this happen?”
Ryann stepped closer to take a look and shook her head. “I do not know, master. I just collected it from the wash-room. Perhaps somebody did not take care enough.”
Bramwel slapped Ryann hard across the face, causing her to take a step back. “Someone? You are responsible for everything I do. Not someone else.” He turned around, walked over to the table next to his bed and took up his whip. He cracked it once, toward the door and away from Ryann. “How did this happen?”
Ryann’s eyes darted back and forth between the whip and Bramwel’s tunic. “I am sorry, master. I can have someone mend it for you. She held out her hands. Please give it to me.” She screamed out loud as the whip cracked and left a bright red marks across her two palms. She quickly dropped her hands to her side before he could strike them again, and she ran from the room.
“Come back, Ryann. Come back here,” Bramwel shouted.
Ryann ignored the shouts and continued on toward her room.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Writing Experiment #25 - Ryann Manuscript Part 22

This is number twenty-five in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series that I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - July 1to July 5
  • Reader Proofs - July 6 to July 25
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 26to July 31


Today's Date: May 13th
Progress: Day 22 complete. Following is the day's writing (Chapter Eleven continued)...

Ryann hurried back to the kitchen and told cook of Lord Cala’s request. “Goodness me, what are we going to do?” asked cook, as she ladled some stew into a bowl. She handed it off to another of the girls and sent her on her way.
“What about me?” Ryann asked, unsure as to why she didn’t take the food back to Lord Cala.
“I need you to attend to Master Bramwel. He is asking for his room to be completely cleaned and a large meal to be served.” She ladled some more stew into a bowl and handed it to Ryann. “With Kieran gone and little chance of a replacement, we’re going to be short-handed for a while. It’s going to mean extra work for us all. And you’re going to have to attend to Bramwel more often.”
Ryann took the stew and sighed. She was never going to escape from him. “Yes, cook.” She turned and headed back toward Bramwel’s room, making sure she didn’t spill any of the stew. When she entered his room she put it down on the table and crossed over toward the far side of the room, next to the window.
“Are my clothes ready?” Bramwel asked, sitting down and ladling some stew into his mouth.
“Not yet, master. But as soon as they are ready I will bring them to you.” She hoped they weren’t ready yet. She’d forgotten about them with everything else she was trying to do.
“Just make sure you do.” He stuck out a finger and pointed to the windows. “And you need to clean these. I can hardly see out of them.”
Ryann reached out a finger to the window and ran it along the edges. Her finger was covered in dirt. It had probably been a very long time since they had been washed. She walked across the room and headed back to the wash-room for a cloth and some water.
“And don’t be long,” Bramwel called out behind her.
A few minutes later she returned to Bramwel’s room with a cloth and a bucket of water. She also had a few of his clean clothes with her. She dropped the clothes onto the bed, walked back over to the window, and started cleaning.
“Did you know you have a brother?” Bramwel asked, walking up alongside Ryann.
She stopped washing the window and turned her head toward Bramwel. “I am an orphan, sir.”
Bramwel laughed. “No, that is what they told you. Your papers say you have a brother.”
Ryann put the bucket down and turned fully toward Bramwel. “I do?”
“So you had better start doing exactly what I say if you want to know more about him.” Bramwel walked back toward the door. “Exactly what I say.” He laughed as he walked out of the room, leaving Ryann all alone with a wet cloth in her hand.

The next hour passed without Ryann noticing as she absentmindedly cleaned the windows, all the time thinking about what Bramwel had said. Now she had to get free. She had to earn her freedom so that she could find her brother, wherever he was. Wherever he was. She didn’t know anything at all. Maybe Bramwel was making it up. But he couldn’t be, could he? Perhaps she should ask Lord Cala. She dropped the cloth into the dirty water and picked up the bucket to take it back to the wash-room.
“Ryann, isn’t it?” the old man in the wash-room asked.
Ryann nodded. “Hello.” Ryann recognized the old man from before. “You’re the man who was teaching Kieran to fight, aren’t you?”
The old man nodded. “I am.” He walked up to her, ran a finger through her hair and then took a step back to examine her body. “I think you would make a good pupil.”
Ryann laughed. “Me? Learning to fight? I am a girl.”
“And girls don’t fight?”
“No. I mean, I don’t think so,” Ryann replied, looking the old man up and down.
“Well, you should think about it. You never know when you might need to know how to protect yourself.” He took another step closer to Ryann and lowered his voice. “Especially with the likes of the master about.” He winked at Ryann.
“And you would teach me?” Ryann asked.
The old man nodded. “Of course,” he replied. “For a small fee.” He smiled. “We all have to make our living here.”
“How much?”
“Two copper coins a lesson. That’s what I charged young Kieran. God rest his soul.” He turned to leave the wash-room. “Just have a think about it. Let me know. You can usually find me outside. Near the stables.”
Ryann watched the old man as he walked away. Fighting lessons? Maybe it would be a good idea. Maybe she would be able to stand up to Bramwel. But two copper coins a lesson. That would eat into her savings. The savings that were already accumulating slower than she would have liked.

* * *

“I need you to be a little easier on the sclavas, Bram,” Lord Cala said as he and Bramwel sat in the sitting room. “I don’t think we’re going to be able to afford any more for a while, and there are few enough as it is. So you’re just going to have to show a little restraint going forward.”
“No more whipping. Do you understand?”
“And no more hitting. Instead, refer all problems to me. I will deal with them personally. I need to keep all the sclavas as healthy as possible.” Lord Cala took a sip from his cup. “Do I make myself clear, Bram?”
“Yes, father,” Bramwel replied. “I’ll do my best. But sometimes they need to be taught a lesson.” Especially that Ryann girl, he thought to himself. She was the worst. Always answering back. She had a real attitude. Still, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Now that he had told her about her brother, she would be a lot easier to handle. He smiled. “But, of course, father. For the smooth-running of the household, I’ll be a little more considerate.” He turned his head away from his father. “And some marks don’t show anyway,” he mumbled to himself.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Writing Experiment #24 - Ryann Manuscript Part 21

This is number twenty-four in a series of posts where I document the complete process of writing a novella - Day By Day!


I am documenting (via my blog) the complete start to finish experience of writing a novella that I will be releasing for FREE once it is written.

Ryann is the story of a thirteen year-old girl who works as a servant for a tyrant of a master, and longs for the day when she can buy her freedom. The novella will serve as the introduction to a new fantasy series that I will start writing in 2013.

I will be writing approximately 900 words per day and I will post each day's writing the following morning, unedited, on my blog. This means you get to see my draft with all its original spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and clumsy sentences

The timeline for the experiment is as follows:
  • Plotting, Characters and Scene Outlines - April 1to April 20 - COMPLETE
  • First Draft Manuscript - April 21 to May 18 - IN PROGRESS
  • First Manuscript Edits - July 1to July 5
  • Reader Proofs - July 6 to July 25
  • Final Manuscript Edits - July 26to July 31


Today's Date: May 12th
Progress: Day 21 complete. Following is the day's writing...


Sixty-two copper coins. Ryann counted the marks once more and sat back down on her bed. Three silver coins. It was very slow progress. Still, maybe today she would find out just how much money Kieran had left her. She picked up her new hair-brush from beside the bed and ran it through her hair. Hopefully now everyone would stop saying she looked untidy all the time.
Ryann put the brush down and got up. She crossed her room and headed along the corridor toward Bramwel’s room. It had been five days since they had burned Kieran’s body and during that time she had tried to keep out of Bramwel’s way as much as possible.
She knocked on his door and entered. He was stood staring out of the window. Without a word, Ryann crossed over to Bramwel’s bed and started to tidy it.
“Showing your face at last then?” he asked, not turning to face her.
“Yes master,” she replied, biting down on her lip to stop herself from saying anything she would regret.
“Well don’t forget, today you need to take my clothes to wash as well.”
Ryann finished tidying the bed and started to pick up the assortment of discarded clothes that were scattered around the room.
“Nothing to say this morning then?” Bramwel asked, finally turning to face her.
Ryann shook her head and continued to make a pile of the clothes. She tried not to make eye contact with Bramwel who was smiling at her as she worked.
“Nothing at all?” Bramwel took a few steps toward Ryann. “That is most unlike you. Usually you are giving me unsolicited advice.” He laughed.
Ryann stopped and looked at Bramwel. She waited for him to stop laughing before she spoke. “Well actually there is one thing, master.” She raised her eyes up toward him. “There’s the matter of the oath money, sir.”
Bramwel laughed. “Oath money? What oath money?”
“From Kieran, sir. He promised it to me as he was dying. You were there.”
Bramwel took a step closer to Ryann and lowered his voice. “You are getting none of that money, girl. I have used it for myself. No one heard him except for me and I can’t seem to remember it at all.” He poked a finger into her face. “Do I make myself clear?”
“But it’s mine…”
Bramwel slapped Ryann across the face. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir,” Ryann replied, trying not to allow herself a tear.
Bramwel took a step back and turned to cross toward his bed. “Good, then that is settled. Now hurry up and take these clothes to be washed. I don’t want to have to punish you further today.”

Ryann picked up the pile of clothes and hurried off to the wash-house. As soon as she had dropped them off, she turned and walked back toward the large sitting room. Today she had extra duties now that Kieran was no longer there.
Ryann collected the broom from near to the sitting room and entered by the main door. She immediately set about sweeping the dust from the floor back toward the door.
“Ryann,” said Lord Cala, looking up from his chair on the far side of the room. “How are you today?”
Ryann curtsied. “Very well, sir.” She continued to sweep away the dust.
“Come over here,” Lord Cala continued. He beckoned with his fingers.
Ryann laid the broom against the wall and walked across the room. “Yes sir?”
“Take a seat.” He pointed toward the empty large chair that was next to his.
Ryann looked at it twice. “Sir?” She had never dared to sit in such a comfortable chair as this before. Sclavas never sat in these chairs. Lord Cala tapped the chair and waited for her to sit.
“How does my son treat you?”
“Well, sir,” Ryann replied. She dare not tell him otherwise, even though she was regularly beaten.
“And your face? Is that the result of running then?”
Ryann blushed and touched a hand to her red face. “Probably sir.”
Lord Cala smiled. “It’s alright, Ryann. I know it was most likely Bram that did that to you. I will have words with him. He forgets his manners sometimes.” Ryann watched as Lord Cala took a sip from a large cup he was holding. “You remind me a lot of my wife you know. Just when the light catches you sometimes. It could be the way you wear your hair.” He turned his head slightly at an angle. “I see you have brushed it today.”
Ryann touched a hand to it. “Yes, sir.”
“I had quite gotten used to it being messy.” Lord Cala laughed. “I actually thought it suited you that way.”
“Yes sir,” Ryann said, starting to feel a little embarrassed.
Lord Cala got to his feet. “I know you are probably wondering just exactly what you are doing here, and hoping to be excused as quickly as possible. But don’t worry. I’m not upset with you. Not at all. In fact I want to make sure you are treated fairly. By Bramwel. I want you to tell me if he does anything else that is upsetting to you.” He smiled. “Especially if he beats you again. Will you tell me, Ryann?”
What was she supposed to say? Should she tell him about the oath money? Would the Lord get Kieran’s money for her? “Yes sir,” she replied. He probably wouldn’t even believe her. He was probably just trying to make her feel better because of Kieran. No she couldn’t say anything, she decided. “I will, I promise.”
“Good.” He extended a hand to Ryann and pulled her to her feet. “Now run along and see if there’s any food prepared for me will you? I’m getting hungry already.”